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I was breathless when Harrison's lips left mine. But it wasn't in the way I usually was.

My heart was pounding in my chest, no, my heart was pounding my throat.

My lips were sore, my mouth hung open like a fish as Harrison sat back in his seat like nothering was wrong, his hand squeezing my thigh lightly and causing my stomach to flip. I had no idea what to say.

"Tana? You're girlfriend, huh?" I heard a voice ask and slowly moved my gaze to look at Issac. Instantly my eyes met his, he had already been staring at me. His usually smiling mouth was set in a grim line, his eyes were hard, hurt... I felt my heart drop from my throat to my stomach. Why did I feel so guilty?

"Yeah, Harrison and Monty have been going out for a while now, right guys?" Finn supplied before stuffing a mouthful of mac n' cheese in his mouth. I wanted to turn and glare at him, stuff the entire plate of cheesy pasta down throat for speaking, but I didn't look away from Issac.

"You got a problem with that man?" Harry challenged. He was clearly trying to feel Issac out. I could understand his confusion. This random guy he just met hounding on him for touching his girlfriend.

Fuck. This was all a mess.

"Wow, congrats then." Issac's tone was anything but congratulating and sounded more like nails on a chalk bored. I felt my heart constrict a little more.

I couldn't explain the guilt and my need to say sorry to him, but never the less I tried to convey it to him with my eyes, wide and pleading. He obviously didn't want to hear it because he turned away and it was like a hard slap in the face.

I looked away from him as he focused on his plate of food. Cory who had previously been in a jovial mood was regarding me with distaste. Like the sight of me left a sour taste in his mouth and that was a kick in the gut too.

The air was weird and awkward, but I could tell most people didn't know why.

"You know, I just remembered I was meant to pick up something from the office. It wasn't with the stuff they gave me this morning." Issac said and I watched as he pushed his chair away from the table, everyone nodded except me. No one realized how he didn't look anyone in the eye.

"Catch up with you later?" Cory asked with a serious face, but he raised a brow at Issac, he spared him a glance a quick nod as he tossed his backpack over his shoulder. It was more than I got.

"It was real nice meeting you guys, thanks for lunch." He said before turning around and striding out of the lunch hall.

"What a weird kid." Harrison muttered under his breath.

I sprang up from Harrison's lap.

I don't know why.

It was like an instinct.

I just did it and then... I didn't know what to do anymore.

"Jeez, Tana." Harrison murmured as he caught my plate from falling into his lap. He quickly looked up at me, golden eyes swirling with a mixture of confusion and concern.

"You okay, babe?" he asked and I nodded and watched Issac's retreating figure. I wanted to follow him; I was supposed to be his guide all day. I was his friend too and yet something kept me rooted to the floor.

I looked around, everyone was giving me weird looks, Penny and Finn looked concerned. Christina had a raised eyebrow, Liana had a smile somewhere between an 'I-told-you-so' smirk and an 'I-am-so-happy-I'm-me' smile. Cory looked pissed and Sutton looked sympathetic—wait what? Why was Sutton looking at me like I was terminally ill? It was enough to get me to lower myself back into my chair and reply to Harrison.

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