Just Friends

117 15 4

I hate to say it again but shit.

"Liana," I say and I somehow manage to pull a smile onto my face. I hear Issac fall silent behind me. He knows the name Liana. I've mentioned her before and how she makes me uneasy, that I don't care for her all that much. He's obviously interested in finally getting a picture of the girl.

Liana placed one of her charming, almost enchanting, smiles on her face and took a couple steps my way. I had to purposefully try to not take a step back. She was an intimidating girl. 

"Fancy seeing you here, Monty." She chirped, but her gaze wasn't quite steady on me. It wavered over my shoulder to where Issac stood.

"It's a small town, not that hard to believe." I replied nicely, but there was a nervous bite to my words.

I was getting a bad feeling.

Liana had just seen Issac and I in a very intimate position.

Not that we are intimate in anyway because I have Harrison.

Oh damn.


Harrison. She could tell Harrison what she saw and he would get angry, ask questions, and probably, mostly likely, leave me.

This situation was bad.

Very bad.

I heard Issac snort behind me at my comment and Liana's brown eyes darted to him, they narrowed slightly and Issac covered his amusement with a cough. She pursed her lips and then her face softened. The look in her eye turned for annoyance to intrigue. She had seen his eyes then. She thought he was attractive.

Possible new meat.

At that thought an unfamiliar fire burned through me. It was hot and heavy and I didn't like it.

Not on my watch.

I snapped in my head, surprised by my own lack of patience of sheer annoyance at the thought of her checking Issac out, which was crazy because I had Harrison and Issac was hot as hell. It was only natural for girls to check him out.

I had no reason to seem... what was it? Jealous?

"Yes well it's still surprising," Liana said after she had finished studying Issac. She looked back it me, obviously unaware of the awkward silence we had all been in. She smiled a little cheekily, but there was an edge to that smile that made me want to wince, "in some ways."

When she raised an eyebrow her meaning was clear. She was telling me she had seen what Issac and I had been doing.


What she thought we had been doing because honestly we weren't doing anything.

My cheeks still burned slightly.

"I don't know why, Issac and I were just talking."

"Just talking," she nodded "Is that what its called now? I didn't get that memo." 

I was embarrassed and angry and nervous. Her smile only brightened as my emotions became clear to her.

"Liana-" I didn't get to even start my sentence before I felt an arm drape over my shoulders in a casual manner. 

I stiffened under it. 

The warmth of the person's limb was comforting and I longed for my jacket inside the café, but Liana's eyes only sparkled with interest at Issac's gesture. I didn't know what she was thinking, but whatever it was it wasn't anything good.

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