My Anything

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I couldn't wait till later. It was crazy how much my brain was distracted by the simple prospect of a new video later tonight. I wasn't really listening to what the teachers were saying in my classes. I was simply taking down notes like a robot. My fingers working on muscle memory as they made notes that I wouldn't understand later, but I didn't really care because Issac's face was in my head and that's all that really mattered.

Besides I'm good at US History so it won't be hard to catch up anyway. I'll pick it all up in no time again.

When the bell rang I packed my stuff up in a similar manner. Not really thinking about it, but once I stepped out into the hall I was forced to snap out of the green galaxy that's in my head.

Sarah's small figure bounced into view. A boy on her arm, actually scrap that it was just Dillon. His cheeks were pink as usual due to Sarah's hand clutching his.

"Montanna!" she shouted causing a few curious looks to be directed our way. I grimaced at the attention, but then again that has been a bit of a trend since I sat at the center table on Monday... and all this week. People at school are curious as to why a nobody is sat with the somebodies. I know I would have been if that nobody wasn't in fact me, myself and I. Sarah of course hasn't been turning up. She's been busy with extra credit and Dillon. It's okay though. I realized now that she really doesn't want to have to deal with the people at the center table, even though that fact that I was having to do so was all her fault. If I hadn't gone to that stupid ass party then I could still be tucked away in our corner table with her, doing the thing I do best. Blending in. Except apparently I'm not even good at that anymore.

"Sarah," I said raising an eyebrow and then smiling at Dillon who gave an awkward wave. Its funny actually and I only smile wider.

"Guess what!" Sarah squeals and I ask her what. "Dillon and I are both going into the PREP." PREP was the school's Program Reserved for Exceptional Pupils. It's for upperclassmen, but very few juniors get in because of the fee. The juniors have to pay whereas the seniors are free. Dillon was one of those juniors because; well because his family is loaded. Sarah however couldn't afford that last year when Dillon's could. Her family scrapes the cash together to send her to the Academy.

I was filled with happiness for my best friend.

"Sarah that's fantastic!" I let Issac slip from my mind and focused solely on Sarah and her achievement, her little face glowing in delight, eyes shinning through her glasses. Her blonde hair was in two little pigtail braids. Man I wished I looked like Sarah. She yanked Dillon closer to her, but then dropped his hand and flung them around me as she bounced on her feet.

"Oh my gosh, Monty can you believe it!" she squealed in my ear and I laughed

"Yes, Sarah I can believe it." It was true. She was so smart and sweet there was no doubt in my head that she wouldn't get in. She pulled back after a couple of minutes beaming even brighter if that were possible. She latched onto Dillon's hand again.

"We should do something to celebrate. Go out later, after school?" I said looking between the two of them. Suddenly Sarah's smile turned rather coy.

"Well, you see Mon, Dillon already offered to take me out to dinner tonight."



Not going to lie that was a little disappointing.

Guess my original plans for staying home with a digital boy were back on track.

"Ah, I see, I mean yeah that's totally cool." I gave a half smile "You guys should have fun and Sarah and I can celebrate some other time." Sarah nodded

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