Famous Encounter

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Sarah never came into homeroom, but that didn't shock me. She was probably with a teacher or a meeting for PREP.

I took the boys from class to class throughout the morning. I thought that I might get annoyed, or tired of it, but I didn't. I loved spending time with them. Cory was hilarious and with Issac he was even worse. Sutton was pretty quiet, but he was nice and even though Issac wasn't in my History class, Sutton was. I shared history with Harrison and John, which would be interesting. Actually both classes I shared with Harrison, Issac wasn't in and honestly I was relieved. I didn't need them together anymore than necessary. Speaking of which, it was lunchtime and I was going to have to introduce them.

Issac and I wandered down the hall to collect Cory and Sutton who both had been in Modern Civilizations class. The flow of student's wasn't too rough and we were able to talk without having to shout.

"What'd you think of my friends?" Issac asked and I smiled.

"They're great, although... Sutton is a little on the quite side." I said and Issac chuckled.

"Yeah he's like that when a camera isn't on him." Issac replied, shaking his head and I nodded.

"I thought he looked familiar when I saw, he likes being in your videos then?" I asked Issac scoffed."

"Oh jeez, that kid would never be in one of my videos, not without the wrath of his father and a dozen others." Issac laughed, like he was expecting me to laugh with him, but when he saw the confusion on my face he stopped "You know who Suts is don't you?" he asked.

"Yeah he's your friend." I replied with a shrug and Issac shook his head.

"Well yeah, but Sutton- Sutton Winters is the son of Senator Winters, you know the guy who's running for President in 2020?"

I almost dropped all books that I was carrying.

Sutton wasn't just any Sutton. He was Sutton Winters, son of Senator Winters, future candidate for the President of the United States of America.

And I had shared a lift to school with him.

I was on a nickname-basis with him!

Suddenly it all clicked though, why his name was familiar and why I thought I recognized him when I got in the car. He had been on the news countless of times. Well shit. I was going to be walking into lunch with two YouTube stars and a Senators son today. No chance of going unnoticed.

"Damn." I muttered, not realizing that Issac and I had stopped walking. Issac swung his arm over my shoulder as he chuckled; he pushed me to start moving again.

We were almost where I had told Cory and Sutton where we would meet them, but I noticed a gaggle of girls at the end of the hallway. They speaking in frantic, hushed words and one of them was pointing at Issac and I. 

Suddenly, I was nervous, like I usually got when there was attention on me. I flattened out my hair and tried not to bit my nail. Issac was talking to me, but I had no idea what he was saying. It was clear he hadn't seen the girls yet. 

Deep breaths Monty, you knew this would happen

He's famous. People know who he is. 

I just had to hope that they would ignore us as we walked by and wouldn't be bold enough to jump out at him. 

I was mistken. 

"Excuse me," the boldest girl spoke up with a clear air of confidence that would make most people choke.

Issac stopped his ramblings and turned towards her. He smiled politely as though he knew what was coming, but also subtly shifted a little closer to me. 

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