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The boy behind the counter eyed me suspiciously as I approached him again, this time with Issac at my side. He ordered for himself and Cory before turning to me and gesturing for me to go. I swallowed and looked at the guy, silently pleading with him to not ask why I was ordering again.

"I'll have one chocolate-"

"And one strawberry milkshake?" he asked with one raised eyebrow and I blushed brightly.  

"With whip cream please." I added softly and he nodded as he filled out the order on the tall plastic cups. I let out a sigh of relief when we moved to the side to let the people behind us have their turn. I twisted my hands together at an angle that probably wasn't natural, and tried to resist the urge to chew my fingernail. That would be so unladylike right now. When I glanced over at Issac he was watching me out of the corner of his eye. We both snapped our gazes elsewhere. Embarrassed about being caught.


Was Issac just staring at me?

A blush rose on my face.

"So... are you chocolate or strawberry?" he asked and my eyebrows furred as I turned to look at him properly this time. He smirked and my heart jerked forward in my chest as if it were the south magnet to his north.

"Um... sorry?" I asked, not sure what he was talking about.

"The milkshakes, is yours the strawberry or the chocolate?" he asked and I suddenly laughed and then scoffed teasingly.

"Chocolate of course." I said and he grinned "I'm not a fan of anything strawberry unless its actually strawberries." I said and it was true. I only liked the pure fruit form of the red berries. No artificial candy or ice cream or even strawberry scented lip balm appealed to me. I preferred chocolate everything.

"Really? Interesting." I don't see how in the least that was interesting, but apparently Issac did.


I was stood next to Issac Rush having a conversation while we waited for drinks that he paid for. 

If the guy paid... didn't that make it date? 

No Monty. Stop. He is way out of your league. 

Regardless, I was probably the luckiest girl in the whole world right now. No doubt about it. I needed to hug him. I was going to need to hug him. The sensation overwhelmed me the second it popped into my head and my arms actually twitched at my sides.

Oh no.

I couldn't just randomly fling my arms around him in the middle of the store while he was innocently unaware of my rapid heart rate and screams that kept jumping into my throat.

"You don't go to school here, do you?" Issac's voice came again. I needed a second to process his words because his face was so distracting.

"Er, no. I go to Grayworth Academy in Clear Water. It's about 2 hours away." I gestured to my sweatshirt that had my school's name and crest on it. I was a walking advertisement really. Issac nodded. Wow. He was so good at nodding.

"Cool, so why are you in Richmond, Grayworth Girl? Find out where I lived?" He asked smirking. Is it possible that someone's voice could be toxic because I was about to drop dead when Issac's husky voice slipped over the words 'Grayworth Girl'? He has a nickname for me?! I really think I'm going to die.

"Yes." I said my voice whispery. I tried to grab the word and pull it back into my mouth when I realized what I'd said, but it was too late. Issac's eyebrow shot up and an amused look appeared on his face.

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