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I was going to be in so much trouble.

Jail time.

I would be facing jail time.

Oh god, how could I ever live off week old mash potatoes and gravy?

And the orange jumpsuits!

Orange was not my color. Trust me.

What would my mother say when she got the call from the police station, what if she didn't pick up her phone and I wasted my one phone call?

Oh gosh this was a disaster.

The heels and the jeans that acted like a second skin and the... ID.

Yes I think all my problems at the present time revolved around the shiny piece of plastic. My face staring up at me, it was my school picture. My freaking school picture!

I looked freaking awful in the photograph of course because all school pictures look awful, least all mine do. Of all the pictures they could have chosen. I suppose it made sense though, considering they didn't have access to many pictures of me, especially ones that seemed remotely official.

Of course they look perfect in all of their pictures. Not a hair out of place, slight smiles on their faces.

It's disgusting.

Then again, things can always get worse, I'm sure my mug shot will be ten times worse than my senior school photo.

Because I will be getting arrested if I go through with this stupid idea.

I will because that is just my luck.

Christina slapped my hand as I tried to buckle myself back into the taxi. We had been sat idling in the vehicle for the past ten minutes, the girls trying to coax me out. I was honestly surprised the taxi driver hadn't kicked us out, but then again he was getting paid by us just sitting here and him doing nothing.

Maybe I would be a taxi driver when I got out of prison?

"Monty, it'll be fine. Robbo did a great job on the ID. Can't even tell it's a fake."

Can't tell my ass! And who was this freaking Robbo? I didn't know Robbo, I didn't trust Robbo.

"I really don't think this is a good idea. I mean, I'm barely even 5'4"; I still get given crayons when I enter restaurants and I can fit into the swings that look like diapers. No one is going to believe I'm 21." I just had to reason with them. The same way they convinced me to even step foot out of my house. Penny laughed.

"Girl you are adorable. Don't worry about it, we've done this loads of times, don't even need the ID really because we know the bouncer, its just in case honestly. Besides if Haley can manage to get in when she looks like a freaking wanna-be middle school cheerleader then you'll be fine." They all laughed. I cracked a smile, but I was sure I looked more constipated.

"Look, Montana-Banana-Fontana, Robbo has made all our IDs, he's the best in the business. Christina only works with and pays for the best. This is just a girls' night out, to have that kind of fun you've been missing!" Liana quipped her voice high and overly upbeat. She had taken a couple shots when we were getting ready at her house before we came and was feeling a bit buzzed I'm sure.

Christina's voice was a little condescending when she said, "You're hanging out with the cream of the crop now, girl. You think I'd risk my family's reputation on bad IDs?" 

Her father was governor, the Kerrington name was worshiped in this town and it made sense why she fit in with the popular crowd so well. Then again, Christina was always pretty quiet. She was like a stunning, deadly presence that had the power to end a conversation with a moment. It was this cold presence that was the first thing most people noticed about her. The second thing was that she was all sharp edges. Eyes, nose, mouth, neck. Then her paper white skin, it was like she was cut from marble. Built with stone lungs that didn't need to take a breath. Any color on her was simply decoration, like the ruby lipstick she always wore. 

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