Not A Date

117 14 4

The day started with me springing out of bed and flinging my curtains open with a flourish. Sun streamed in as I greeted the morning with a smile.

What, you may ask, has this little cucumber so spritely?

Well, I shall tell you my friend.

I am determined not to let others' opinions effect me any longer.

After a long wallow in self-pity after I got home after bumping into John, some rumpled tissues and playing of The Notebook, I went to bed with a stomach engorged with ice cream and M&Ms and a new mind set: I, Montana Montgomery, am a strong independent woman who doesn't need other people to dictate my life.

If I was happy with Harrison then so be it.

He hadn't done anything to me that should deserve my caution. Harrison, so far, had been the sweetest he could be and I couldn't be happier.

I couldn't.

I don't think I could...


The point is, I wasn't going to let Liana's or John's words get to me. For whatever reason they were against us, but that didn't have to effect Harrison and I.

Besides, I had other problems to worry about, why worry about Harrison? He was the one thing I didn't have to worry about right now. Today I had to talk to Sarah about what was wrong. I was going to call her after I got back from coffee.

Coffee, which I was having with a certain green-eyed boy that made my heart stutter.

I mean honestly the smile on my face was all for him.

Who wouldn't be smiling when they were going to hangout with Issac Rush? Seriously I was having a little bit of a freak out.

Okay a lot of a freak out.

Which brings me to worry number two... what should I wear?

I sang in the shower as loud as I could. Nobody else was in the house to listen or hear it anyway so why hold back? I danced around in my towel and tried to decide what to wear. Normally I would call Sarah, but again I was saving that for later. I couldn't just call her up while in the middle of a fight and ask for help. Not without apologizing and I knew our talk had to be long and serious not a giggling boy session.

Not that I was seeing this as a date between Issac and I. I was dating Harrison after all. No, this coffee was between friends, just a crazy obsessed fangirl and the boy she admired from afar, who were just friends.

And to prove that we were just friends I wrote it on my hand. So I wouldn't forget.

I dressed in dark skinny jeans and a black top before tossing on a dusty rose sweater. Comfy and cozy. That's my motto.

As I put on a light layer of makeup I tried to keep my mind form wondering back to yesterday. I mean, positive mindset and everything, but it was hard.

John had spoken with such sincerity. The hardest part of it all was at the end when I thought I saw guilt in his eyes. He had seen me cry again. I hated people seeing me cry and I couldn't help but think about when I didn't associate with Harrison and his friends. I had been content watching from afar with Sarah at our corner table in the lunchroom. The corner table, which was now occupied by strangers, had been our home in school. Recently Sarah had taken to eating with Dillon and his friends and since I was eating at the Center Table it was left empty for a couple days before other upper classmen took it over. I think a group of junior girls ate there now...

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