Surviving Awkward

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"Hey guys." I said after an awkward silence. Dear God this was awkward.

The faces at the table were so familiar. I knew them all. There was Liana and Harrison, Christina Karrington and Penelope Darling. Finn Ocher and of course John. Penny smiled at me, her chocolaty curly locks framing her petite face.

"So Montana, I heard Sarah brought you to the party the other night." She asks.

"Uh, yeah thanks to your invitation." Suddenly Liana lets out a squeaky breath,

"Penny! You were the one that invited little Monty to the party? Oh that makes sense." She turned to Harrison "Baby, that explains it right?" Harrison nods, but his eyes are still on me. I give him a shy smile

"Yeah, shame I didn't get to see you two though," Penny says "I was hoping to say hello." She says and I nod. John lets out a grunt and I swallow hard.

Silence again. I reach to take a bite of my grilled cheese.

"Monty, right! You were at the party, I thought I recognized you." I jump a little at that. It was Finn.

I blush. He's a little slow to the parade... although maybe it was because he was so high at the time. There were so many people there too. I was amazed he remembered. He leans forward a little, and I grip my sandwich. he inspects my face.

"Yeah-" He leans backwards again a proud smile on his face and then he looks towards Harrison

"Did you see that? Do you know how out of it I was? I remembered though," he tapped his temple with his finger "I remembered a babe when I see one." I stopped mid chew,

"Babe?" Liana gave a little clap with her hands and quirked an eyebrow at him. I could feel grey eyes on me though. Burning into my skull like Superman and his laser eyes. I shifted in my seat and refused to look at him.

"Oh my, Finn." she chuckled and shook her head before looking at me and giving me a weird look. She wink and tried to say something with her eyes, but I really didn't understand.

"Didn't you have a friend with you last night? Or was I just seeing double?" Finn jokes, he makes himself laugh. I nod my head.

"Um yeah, my friend Sarah. That's who Penny was talking about."

"I see, did she have too?" He asked, though he seemed to be losing interest and finding more pleasure in his burger than our conversation.

"Yeah, we both had fun." he nodded, but took a big bite of his lunch.

Up until then Christina had been silent. She turned away from me and look towards Liana.

"Did you say you wanted to go out Saturday?" she asked and Liana nodded, Penny tuned in with her best friends and I was left to sit there and listen in silence. I didn't mind though.

Really it was fine.

I liked being invisible.

Actually I was surprised when I heard the boys talking about something that actually interested me.

"Yeah I think I want to go." Finn said as John gave him an amused look.

"You want to go on the art trip?" John's voice sounded so condescending that it even made Finn Ocher frown. I didn't think I had ever seen Finn without some large elastic grin on his face.

"Yeah, it's like twenty bucks or something and I get a day off school." He defended but I had a feeling he genuinely wanted to go. John shrugged at that.

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