A Drive

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"I never thought she'd be gone this long." Catherine sighs, pushing her mixed vegetables around. "We all figured after some time she'd be alright and come back."

"She didnt tell me what happened.." I sigh.

"She will, hun. Its not our place to tell you."

I nod and look back to my plate. Im not hungry anymore. My stomach is in a bunch of knotts and I feel like I'll get sick if I eat more.

"Um, I'm gonna go for a walk." I awkwardly mumble and dismiss myself from the table.

I slip on my shoes and walk out the door only to find Sarah on the other side. I avoid eye contact and settle on stairing at my feet as I walk away.

"Where are you going?" I turn back to see her eyes are slightly puffy. She takes a drag of her cigarette and holds it before exhaling.

"Walk." I dont even stop to evaluate her odd behavior. Ive never seen her smoke.

"No." She says a little too quickly. "It- its getting dark out baby. Why don't you just sit with me?" She reaches out for my hand.

"Oh I'm not going far and-"

"Riley please. It is dark and you never know whats out there." Her tone is no longer soft but this isn't like her playful demanding in bed. She's scared?

"Yeah." I quietly agree and take a seat next to her.

I scoot closer to her so I can cuddle up to her. I lay my head on her shoulder and wrap my arms around her right arm.

"Im sorry." She says with a raspy voice.

"Its okay." I shrug, not looking at her or letting go of her. I just continue gazing at the starts. "Mommy?" I whisper.

"Hum?" She hums.

"Can we go for a drive?"


"Lets go!" I grab her cigarette and take a hit before I put it out under my shoe.

"Hey!" She protests.

"Come on." I pull her up and just about drag her to the car.

"Jesus youre gonna pull my arm out of the socket." She laughs and gets in the driver's seat.

We drive for about ten minutes before she pulls into a parking lot surrounded by a ton of greenery. The stars look ten times brighter over here. You can barley see stars in Chicago.

"Where are we?" I ask, unbucking my seatbelt.

"Its sort of a lovers lane. Everyone use to come here to make out and what not in high school." She laughs.

"Come hold me."

I climb into the back and Sarah follows after. She lays the seats down to give us more room and we cuddle up together. We watch the sky through the window and I take a hold if Sarah's hand. I play with the rings on her fingers and bring them to my lips.

"I love you." She hums and kisses my ear.

"I love you." I turn my body towards hers and my hands instantly go to undo the buttons on her shirt.

Sarah pecks my lips a few times but once ive completely undone her shirt I move to her neck. I can hear in her moans shes smiling, biting her lip. I pull her bra down, let my lips wonder her breasts, and take her nipple into my mouth. My hand moves between us and grind my hand and hips against her.

"Fuck." She gasps.

Her lips are slightly parted and little moans fall out. Sarah's hands are on my hips, pulling me as close as possible, but I move one to my right boob. She gladly messages it before pulling my shirt up for easier access.

"Fuck me baby girl."

"Should we go back?" I start to get up

"No. No." She pulls me back on top of her. "Right here."

I move my mouth over her stomach hike her skirt up to settle around her waist.

"Mmm, good girl." She moans running her hands over her breasts. I kiss up her thighs to her pussy and her right hand instantly moves to my hair. Moving her black thong over I start to play with her clit. I flick my tongue over it a few times then lick up her slit. God I'll never get tired of the taste of her.


"All I'm saying is it could be fun." We hear Catherine say as we walk through the door.

"Sarah is busy with work until what, June? By then its too hot." A mans voice, must be Sarah's father.

"Dad?" Sarah calls out, pulling me towards their voices.

"There she is!" Sarah lets go of my hand and gives her father a hug.

"Dad this it's Riley." She pulls me close to her again.

"Hi." I give a small smile.

"Nice to meet you." He nods. "We we're just talking about maybe taking a family trip."

"Dad I don't wanna go to Dollywood three years in a row." Sarah sighs and I can't help but laugh.

"Then we'll think of something else!"

"Goodnight dad, mom." Sarah and I walk off.


"Dollywood?" I laugh once we've reached our room.

"God he loves Dolly Parton. Don't get me wrong we do too but three years in a row? I can't!" Sarah falls into a fit of laughter.

"I've never been."

"I'll take you one day." She says, pulling me to her.


"Oh yeah." She nods, rolling onto me and kissing my neck.

"Will you take me to New York?"

"I'll take you whatever you want to go." She says pushing my hands up to pin them over my head.


"Hum?" She hums, still kissing on my neck and chest.

"When you're ready will you tell me why you moved?" My voice is quiet and a panic rushes through my body when her lips freeze. "I just want to know you're okay."

"Yeah." Her voice is quieter as well. She moves off of me and turns her lamp off after she gets under the covers. Her voice is stiff. "I'll tell you."

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