Her Smile

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I walk out of my session with Rhonda and go straight to Sarah's car. We're leaving for Florida so we're leaving school early. I'm pretty excited! Her parents said they've planned out everything we're going to do while visiting and I'm just hoping we go to Magic Kingdom again!

"Baby girl, did you remember to pack our Mickey ears?" Sarah asks, taking my hand as she pulls out of the parking lot.

"Yup." I give her hand a squeeze.

"Good. Also Mom wants to know what you want to eat when we get there."

"I don't care. Whatever is fine." I shrug.

"I know what I want." She smirks.

"STOP, you nasty!" I laugh.

The ride to the airport is short but I can't say the same for the plane. I'm trying to not let Sarah see but im incredibly anxious about seeing her family again. I didn't meet her dad last time and I guess I'm just nervous about that. I'm glad I brought my laptop with though. I'm watching Grace and Frankie to take my mind of my anxiety.

Finally we land and about 35 minutes later we're leaving the airport and grabbing a taxi. My hands are starting to sweat from fidgeting and nerves.

"Hey, you're fine." Sarah smiles then places a soft kiss on my lips.

Nothing calms me more than that smile. Her gorgeous, sweet smile.

It's been a bit BUT im going on vacation soon so hopefully I'll have more time to write! Comment and message me y'all!

Also someone PLEASE write me a bomb, sexy, cute Bette & Dot x reader story I miss them so much😂

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