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A naked body lays in the middle of the living room. Who is she? Who did this? Where is my father?

"Miss?" I get on my knees and try to find a palse. Nothing.

I hear a loud noise from outside and run outside as I dial 911 on my phone. The garage door has a gaping hole in it and my dad's car isn't inside. Its speeding down my street at 35 miles per hour at least.

"911 what's your emergency?" A womans voice chimes.

"Help. Help me I don't know what happened." I cry.

"What's going on? Can I have your location?"

"A woman is dead. I don't know what happened but he's gone."

"Who's gone, sweetie?" Her voice is so calm, I don't get that.

"My dad. I think he hurt her."

I tell her my address and before I know it I can hear the sirens. An ambulance and a cop car arrive and I'm still frozen in the same spot.

"When was the last time you saw your father?" A detective asks me once we leave the scene and settle into an interview room at the precinct.

"Last week on Thursday. It was my birthday and I stopped by before work." I'm still in shock.

"You don't live with him?"

"No. I live alone. I've recently been emanated."

"How often do you visit with your father?" She asks as she jotts things down.

"As little as I possibly can. He called me and didn't say anything so I got worried. It only took me about five minutes to get there. I wantedcheck on him." I rub my eyes and lean on the cold wooden table.

"Can I get you anything?" She sighs. I can tell she's stressed out.

"I'm okay, thank you."

I spend the night at the precinct because I'm too scared to go home. He knows where I live but I couldn't stay there even though theres unmarked cops outside my appartment building. It's a cheap place with very little security so I doubt he'd have any trouble finding a different way in.

I can't get the picture of that woman out of my head. Her face, arms, and hips were bruised and her limp body just laid there. Blood pooled under her, pouring from the gash in her neck. How could he do that to her? How could anyone do that to someone?

I shiver at the thought of it. I'm next if they don't find him.


"I testified as a witness then moved here. I changed my number, got an order of protection against him, and I haven't seen him since that day in court." I numbly shrug and pull my blanket around me tighter.

"I'm so sorry baby." She kisses my head. "Can I ask why you got emanated in the first place though?"

"He was a drunk. I did the work because I knew I couldn't stay with him. On my sixteenth birthday it was finally official but I had been living alone for a few months already."

We lay on the couch together, my head on her chest.

"What if he finds me?" I squeak.

"I've got you baby. I won't let him hurt you."


I knoooow I know its shorter than usual but I'm just behind on everything and needed to update. Haha I will try to make the next chapter longer but college is really kicking me ass right now! Much love💜

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