Chapter 4: Duty Calls

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this chapter was first written in november 2014!

now fully edited! aug 2018
+Henry's POV+

As I came home I was happy, the girl of my dreams just hugged me, school was going great, and I don't have any homework. A huge grin was plastered on my face and as I entered the house Piper looked at me funny and retorted with:

"Why are you smiling?"

"Oh just because.." I said

"Whatever" Piper said then she leaves.

I was going to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich but I didn't know what type of sandwich I wanted to eat. Maybe a turkey sandwich? All of a sudden, I ran into the wall. I just got up and dusted myself off and went on to make my turkey sandwich. As I finished making my sandwich and when I was about to take a hefty bite out of it my watch made 3 beeps. Urgh and I had a good sandwich and all. Well time to go to work!

+Maya's POV+

I was home and my parents were not here. Whatever. I hated today I had been called a idiot and so much more horrid names; on the bright side I don't have any homework. My brother wasn't home, probably with his friends playing video games. As I was walking to the kitchen to make a ham sandwich, I heard a knock on the door; the knock was loud, like a bang. I looked back and the banging on the door was growing even louder. As I opened the door it was a man. Out of no where, everything went black. All I know is the man wacked me with a bat, and I know I wasn't put in a bag.

+Henry's POV+

I went to Captain Man's layer. I was walking and Ray came and said

"We have to go now. It's a crime" said Ray.

"Okay let's go this." I said

We got the gum and blew our bubbles then bam! I'm Kid Danger and Ray is Captain Man! We went to the tubes and went to the place where the crime is. As we came to the place the police were there. We asked what happened and they said there was a burglar and there was a girl who was on the floor. I was afraid who the girl was.

They asked if we could take the girl because they think they knew who the burglar is. We agreed because we wanted to be in this crime scene. So we bring the girl to the lair. She was put under a blanket because she was hurt very badly. We put her on the bed and went to uncover her to see the identity of the injured girl. Ray goes to her and slowly pulls the covers. My eyes bulged, and felt like they were going to fall out; it was Maya, and she was all bruised and bloody. My mouth was dropped but nothing came out, I just couldn't believe it was Maya.

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