Chapter 22: Captured

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chapter first written: december 2017

edited:august 2018
Almost finished with the story!
Don't forget to vote and comment thank you!

<Henry's POV>

I was still processing the background of what happened to Maya, we were still behind the stupid bush yet we still didn't have a plan.

Ray was still pondering on how to catch him smoothly so no one could get hurt. With research on him with our phones we gathered that he robbed a bank to get that money and he broke into several houses and leaving them in dust.

Everything got more tense by the second. The so-called uncle or hobo didn't move, which was questionable. I began to wonder if he already saw us but Ray had something else.

"Okay kid I got a plan and-" He said but abruptly cut off.

It was Charlotte, well a hologram of her but still Charlotte. "Captain Man! You have to be careful with him, that guy you see is the uncle, he's dangerous and can harm you badly." she explained, before Captain Man said anything she spoke again, "Listen, Maya knows you guys can get him but what she's really worried about is her uncle.." she spoke softly.

Captain Man and I looked at each other in confusion, "Why? He put her in a coma for pete's sake" we both said. Both of our faces morphed into confusion and frowns.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Just because he tried to kill her, which is dumb. He's still her uncle and Maya is still his niece, you can capture him, put him on handcuffs just don't harm him badly, family is family even if they try putting their nieces in comas." Charlotte said but scoffed at the end for a comedic effect.

Charlotte was right, sure he's an evil little rat but he was still Maya's uncle. Ray shook his head and replied, "Ughhh, fine. We'll capture him, put him into deep questioning and see how long he can go into jail or prison. I just have to think of a new plan now."

"And you Henry? How are holding up?" Charlotte questioned, I looked up and smirked, "I will do anything to help Maya." (a/n AHAHA THAT WAS SUPER CHEESY SORRYYYYY ok on with the story!)

Honestly I don't remember how long it took us to think of a new plan but we did it, it just turned 5pm and so that means we've been in this bush for over 4 hours. We have the plan ready and perfect to start.

We moved from bush to bush to get closer. The uncle, Blake, just sat there like some type of stupid statue. He was breathing, but why isn't he looking around? Captain Man grew the suspicion too and started to wonder, "Kid, what if he's armed?" he said with a panic.

He couldn't be, honestly if he was, why didn't he make the first move? "He can't be, he would've done something a while ago." I exclaimed. I nodded and so did he.

We were at least 10 meters away from him; still in a bush. Each step felt heavier as we kept moving, Captain Man took out his laser gun and got it ready. Suddenly he stopped moving, Captain Man didn't move and gave me the signal to stay low and quiet. I nodded and followed and noticed what Ray probably noticed too.

Blake Tobian, the so-called uncle was talking to someone.

I shook my head in frustration. Who could he be talking to? Himself? When I got a view of him, his hands were in his pocket so either he was a bluetooth or he's wack and talking to himself. However his talking was muffled, like he was whispering or humming to himself.

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