Chapter 19: More than friends

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chapter first written: december 2015
edited: august 2018

hello, it's me. please vote and comment! ily

×Maya's POV×

"What's wrong? Ray?" I said worridly.

"That uncle that keeps getting pulled out of you family, okay first like why do they putting him back in the family tree and pulling him out? Like make up your mind GEEZ."

"Ray just get to the point, okay." Henry  said, rolling his eyes and crossing arms. He seems annoyed.

"Fine fine, I'm getting there. So about that uncle, he's still out there looking out for you. Your parents are in this, it says you have something they want." Ray says, I was wondering what they needed. I'm pretty sure I do not have the 'special item' they need, like seriously I like have nothing with me.

Wondering out of the top of my head. A voice came out of no where. "Maya! What's that on your ankle?" I looked down at my ankle, a gold anklet with a violin on it.

Is it this what they're looking for? The anklet is not even real gold.. was it?

"Oh this? I got this for my 8th birthday, don't you like it? It's the only thing that has a lot of specialty to me." I said obviously, not even realizing that this might be what they need.

"Maya that might be something they need! Do you know if that anklet might be real gold?" Ray and Henry said, their eyes had worry in them.

"No, I don't think this is real gold, I'm pretty sure this is fools gold, my parents would never get me real gold" I said, like my parents would ever give me real gold

"Wait! Give me your anklet, Schwaz could figure this out!! He's an expert at gold looking." Ray said.

Taking off my anklet, trusting Ray to have my anklet in his possession, and gave my anklet to him. "Thank you Maya" Ray said "I will see if your anklet is real gold or not"

As soon as Ray left, awkwardness filled the room. Henry just looked at me, I had no emotion, or butterflies in my belly. Either way, 5 minutes felt like 5 hours.

Just as I was about to sit down, Henry grabbed my forearm and dragged me to the tubes.

"Hey! what are you doing?!" I said in surprise and confusion.

"Shut up Maya, just shut up" he said calmly.

As I followed, I looked at my surroundings. I haven't been outside in a long time, and it was snowing.

We stopped at a diner. When Henry asked for a table for two, he looked at me with a serious look.

"Tell me, tell me everything. Why is all of this happening to you?" Henry said

"What?" I said, that was the only word that could come out of my mouth.

"Oh c'mon don't mess with me, tell me about that anklet, how the h-e double hockey sticks did that strange uncle of yours hit you with a bat because of that anklet." and as soon as he said that.. it all came back to me.

"That anklet runs is passed down in my family, like a heirloom. My mom told me that it's been there since the 1800's and has been passed down ever since," I paused for a minute, not for a break.. just so the waitress wouldn't hear us.

As soon as she left with our orders, I continued with the story.

"The anklet was passed down to my mom as soon as my grandma passed. Then when I turned eight, my mom gave me the anklet and told me to take care of it. As soon as my hands touched it, I knew that the anklet was special." I said with as much detail as possible.

"Wait-- so you are telling me, that this anklet has been in your family for decades... and that guy wants that anklet now?" Henry said,

"Pretty much." As I concluded. "I know that it isn't real gold because of texture and that I'm allergic to gold--" I said until I was cut off

"Wait, gold? You're allergic to gold? I thought only people were only allergic to fake gold." he said.

"Well, I'm allergic to gold. My mom told me," I said.

"So why are they chasing you?" He said while sipping his water.

"I'm not really sure. Though I may have a thought on why" I replied.

"Really? Tell me" he said eagerly.

"My mom told me that the anklet was suppose to go to one my uncle's for his daughter, but my grandma chose us.. and I think that guy who's 'hunting' me down is that uncle who keeps getting removed," I concluded.

"Wow, but why are your parents in this plan?" he said

Hmm I never thought of that.

"I'm not sure, probably from bribing them. I don't know." I shrugged.

As soon as the food came, which took forever. Silence filled the both of us.

"Henry, I'm scared. What's going to happen to me?" I said worridly.

"Maya, I'm here. I will always be here. I know this will be cliche but I will be here day and night, even if one of us gets hurt, I will be here.." he said "I promise"

"Are you trying to say something Henry?" I said,

"I'm saying, I like you and I want to be more than friends. Like boyfriend and girlfriend. So do feel the same way?"  he question.

"Yes, I do want to be more than friends. I'm glad you asked." I said with a smile,

"That's amazing." he calmly said. I knew that on the inside he was probably dancing with joy, because I knew I was.

A lot if things happened today, but I'm happy everything happened.

Hey guys! Sorry for not being on so much. Happy New year's eve! Or New year's day if you're in a different time zone or country, whatever.

My goal is to finish this story at 30 parts (or more). The story is ending!

It's been a little over a year since I wrote this, and looking back at this. this story super cheesy. But I'm so glad I wrote this.




fanpage insta- jacnorman7 (no 'e' in Jace)

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