Chapter 30

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"I'm not sure how I feel about this." Natalie says, leaning up against the kitchen island with Peter next to her. I walk up to her and lay my hands on her shoulders.

"I'll be safe. I'll be mic'd up with a tracker as well. There will also be plain-clothed detectives scattered around the area." I say.

"You're the bravest woman I have ever met, but after what happened with Logan, are you sure you still want to do this?"

She does speak the truth.

"I have to." I reply, looking over at Noah who is talking to the detective. He wasn't all that thrilled with the sting, but he would go along with it. "I deserve to live free of worry and guilt, and to spend it with Noah." Natalie wraps her arms around me and so does Peter.

"Go get them H." They both say and I nod, letting go to walk towards the Detective. He looks up just as Noah does and Noah slips his arm around my shoulders. Miles hands me a phone.

"Call him and tell him you want to meet." I nod and dial the number, putting it on speakerphone. I don't miss Noah's hand gripping my shoulder tightly.

"Hello?" Logan asks, clearly just woken up.

"Hi, it's Hazel." I can hear movement.

"Well, well. I didn't expect to hear from you." I can hear the smirk in his voice and I shiver.

"Can we meet?" I ask, reading the park where I am to meet Logan at.

"Sure. That park that you love so much." He pauses, "Next to the water. Three hours." Logan hangs up and I lay my head on Noah's shoulder.

"You did great, sweetheart." He kisses the top of my head as Miles notifies everyone involved.


"Okay, sweetheart, just remember that if you want out, just say the phrase that we agreed on, okay?" Miles says, from inside the surveillance van where I am getting mic'd up, including wearing a wire and an earpiece. Noah is holding my hand, rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand.

"Please excuse me, I need to use the ladies' room." I repeat the phrase and Miles nods at the established connection. Miles must've seen my nervousness because he pulls up the camera and points to each of the spots where there are undercover detectives.

"These people will look out for you, okay?" I nod in agreement as Noah hugs me again before kissing me.

"Be careful out there." He whispers and I nod before opening the back door of the van before checking for cars and walking to the bench where I am to wait.

"Hello Hazel." I look straight ahead at the river, aware that Logan sat down next to me.

"You're doing great, sweetheart." I hear Noah's voice in my ear and I have to hold back a smile.

"Hi Logan." I turn to face him. "Im here, so what do you want?" He glides his hand across my jaw and I resist the urge to pull away.

"My dear Juliet, I want you. We left off very badly and I want to rekindle what we had."

"So you invade my room, lay rose petals across my bed and bring out my lingerie for everyone to see. Hell, how did you get into-" I pause. "The building manager." I whisper. "Holy crap, the building manager was your ticket in." I look at him, only to see a smug look on his face. "He slid me an invite to have dinner with him, but that was only to get me away from Noah!" I exclaimed, standing up. Logan follows my lead, laying his hand on my shoulder.

"Hazel, just get it out of him." Noah says in my ear.

"You wanted me all to yourself because you found out from Nathan that I was seeing Noah, and you wanted me all to yourself, before you went to prison." I say, and reading Logan's facial expression, I'm hitting it right on the nose. "You passed into the crazed stalker territory when you invaded my personal space of my bedroom." I brace myself for the abuse that is bound to come and it does. He flexes his hands before looking me dead in the eye and I shiver in fear. He begins to walk towards me and I walk backwards.

"You had no right, after all that love you have shown me, to testify against me in court, and then to go sleep with someone else." He calmly says, which is the scariest thing because he is unpredictable. "Carter is my brother and gave me the inside scoop on you." My back hits the railing of the river and I look down real quick, only to see a smirk on Logan's face. "Nathan assisted as well, considering he was close with your mother in Florida, he notified me in prison that you were seeing Noah."

"So this was all a ploy to get me to return to you?" I ask, seeing the detectives look up from their assignments. Logan leans in.

"Yes, my dear Juliet." He looks me straight in the eye. "If I can't have you, then no one can." 

"Excuse me, I need to use the ladies room." I say, trying to get out of the situation, but he only chuckles.

"Hazel, we are coming." Noah says.

"I knew you were trouble." He says before gently picking me up and throwing me over the railing into the freezing water of the Hudson River. 

"Freeze!" I look to see Miles holding a gun, and so are the other detectives. Noah is standing behind Miles and Logan lets me go, enough to get cuffed and Noah runs up to me.

"I did not like that one bit." He says and I hold my face into his chest. 

"You little bitch." Logan sneers and I look at Miles who nods. I let go of Noah before walking up to Logan.

"Just because you gave me a label, doesn't mean I will wear it." I sneer before slapping him across the face. Noah grabs my hand and leads us towards the surveillance van. There is a detective there who helps me get the microphone off and soon, I am free. Miles gives us a lift home and thanked me for my courage.

"I had to, if I was going to have any peace of mind." I say, hugging him before he drives off and Noah leads us to Nat's apartment. We open the door to Natalie and Peter setting the table and Bentley and someone sitting on the couch next to him. Natalie turns to face us with a smile before dashing towards me and sweeping me up in her arms.

"I was so worried about you." She says, moving so Peter can hug me. I notice that Natalie is wearing a blue, short-sleeved dress that flows to knee-length and Peter is wearing a suit. Bentley comes up to us also in a suit, with a beautiful woman on his arm, in a lavender dress that also flows to knee-length.


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