Chapter 21

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Soon enough, were flying through the air, on our way to finish a four-hour flight. The flight attendants come around, handing out blankets and drinks to each passenger in first class. I take a wine and a thing of Oreos and set them down on the tray table before snuggling up against the window with the blanket.

"What do you do?" I look over to see Bentley, looking at me.

"I'm an insurance adjuster in the city. You?" I ask, rotating my body to face him and I take a sip of my drink.

"Financial manager." He says. 

"Classy." I reply when someone lays a hand on my left shoulder and I squeak, jumping up and turn to prepare to break the wrist.

"Easy H!" I stop and look over the chair to see Noah, looking at me. 

"Sorry, Noah." I say, turning to face Bentley, who has a questioning look on his face. "Noah, this is Bentley. Bentley, Noah." I make the introductions, only to see that the two guys are sizing each other up. "Oh knock it off, you two." I say, glaring at both of them.

"Pleasure to meet you, Noah." Bentley says, shaking hands while Noah does the same. 

"Please excuse me." I say, unbuckling and moving towards the aisle. I walk towards the lavatory and open the door before shutting it. The space is a bit tight, but I manage. I finish my business, wash my hands before going back to my seat to see Noah and Bentley chatting it up.

"I'm sorry, the Cowboys are complete crap this season." Noah says, causing Bentley to laugh.

"You must be a Giants fan, aren't you?" Bentley replies, and Noah shakes his head. "So talking smack about the rival, aren't you?" 

"Aw, look at you two, being all buddy buddy." I say, smiling as I move back to my seat. Bentley stands up for me to sit down and I buckle before grabbing my blanket to wrap myself up. 

"Oh laugh it up, Hazel." Noah says, playfully. I smile before leaning my head against the window when two hands begin to massage my neck and I tense up. "Sweetheart, it's me." I relax and gently close my eyes as Noah continues to massage my shoulders.


"Hazel?" Someone says and I open my eyes to see Noah looking down at me and I sit up to stretch.

"What happened?" I ask, yawning.

"The plane landed 20 minutes ago and the flight crew is starting to get restless." I look around to see Bentley, Natalie, Peter, and Noah all looking down at me. I unbuckle and stand up, grabbing my backpack from under the chair so we can walk off the plane. I say thank you to the pilots and continue down the jetway when Nat pulls me off to the side.

"Nat?" I ask her as she pulls a brush out of her bag and combs the side of my head.

"Sorry, darling, but you looked like you got a good couple hours of sleep." She says, before looping her arm through mine and we meet up with the guys. 

"Everything, okay?" Bentley asks and I nod, making our way downstairs to the baggage claim. I see my bag just as we come off the escalator and I dart towards it, grabbing it before it had a chance to go around again. I stand off to the side with my suitcase just as the rest of the group finishes getting theirs and make our way towards the doors. "Well, I guess this is it." Bentley says, and I nod.

"The one bad thing about traveling with complete strangers." I start, causing everyone to look at me funny, "You have the best conversations, but once you leave the airplane, you never seen them again so all you have left is the memories." I finish and suddenly have no idea why I'm tearing up. 

"Here is my number." Noah says, giving Bentley a piece of paper, "Whenever the Cowboys are playing the Giants, we can all get together and smack talk each others team." He says with a smile and Bentley starts laughing.

"We really do, man." Bentley says, giving Noah a bro hug. Noah then returns to lay his arm around my shoulders and I snuggle into his embrace. Bentley gives each of us hugs before facing me and I wait for the hug, but it doesn't come. He surprises me by giving me a note and I look at it weirdly before looking at the group to get the okay.

'My dear Hazel,

Even though it was a short time that we had the fortune to meet, considering we are practically strangers, I wanted to give you some advice, nothing bad, I promise.

I have been married for 15 years with my beautiful wife. She was hesitant at first with the relationship since she just got out of a bad one a few months prior. I told her that we can go at whatever pace she felt comfortable at since I was in it for the long run.

My dear, I see that something similar has happened to you in the past, but with the short time that I spent visiting with Noah, I can see the love and care in his eyes that he has for you. It's very rare that you find a guy like him. 

Just keep an open mind and just remember that Noah will never hurt you.

Hopefully to be a friend,


I hold the note in my hand, tears filling my eyes and I sniffle, wiping them away. 

"Thank you Bentley." I say, trying to hold my composure together. 

"Anytime my dear." He says, opening his arms and I walk towards them as he gives me a hug. I remove myself from his embrace and walk back to Noah, who holds me to his chest as I tuck the letter into my pocket. 

"We should be going. It was nice meeting you, Bentley." Natalie says and Bentley returns the nod causing us to go our separate ways.

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