Chapter 12

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"Stay." I nod and sit down, buckling up and grabbing the headset to put it on. Noah goes through the motions of turning on

"Controller, 1642 clear to leave." Noah says into the mic and then there's static before another voice speaks.

"1642, clear to take off. Wind is 10 knots to the east." 

"Controller, Roger." Noah says, taxing the plane onto the runway. He turns to face me with the biggest grin on his face. "Buckle up, princess." I return his grin as he gives the plane enough power to take off and we're soaring into the sky. I look out the window to see the ground getting smaller and I turn to face Noah. His face is concentrating on the task at hand, doing the necessary tasks and I feel my heart skip a beat in my chest. 

He's one handsome fella.

Oh hush.

You know you want to.

I hear someone chuckle and I snap out of my trance to see Noah looking at me with a humorous expression. 

"What?" I ask.

"You're adorable when you're fighting with yourself." My eyes go wide. 

"I-uh-hi." I say, shyly before looking down. 

"It's okay princess. It's adorable." Noah says. I look out the window and see the gorgeous landscape and rivers flowing through.

"Noah, it's beautiful." I sigh as he chuckles before I put my headphones up on the hanger and going to find Natalie in the cabin. I open the door and see Natalie and Peter, watching Netflix on their phone. 

"Hi Hazel." Peter says, pausing the episode and Nat looks at me with a knowing look in her eye.

"What Nat?" 

"Oh just looking out for my best friend." She sing songs and I chuckle. "What's going on up there." She smirks and I roll my eyes.

"He's letting me hang out up there and listen to his conversation with Air Traffic Controller."

"You like him."

"Oh for Pete's sake, maybe." I say, standing up. "I better go keep Noah company." I walk back toward's the cabin, when I hear Natalie yell back at me.

"Don't crash the plane, Hazel!" It takes me a second before I feel my face heat up and the tips of my ears go red. I turn to pin my signature glare at her to find her laughing and Peter is chuckling at his wifes' silliness. I walk back into the cabin to see Noah with a smile on his face.

"You heard...didn't you?" 

"I'm sorry Hazel, what Nat says was priceless not to hear." He says, turning to face me and his smile stops my heart. I put the headphones back on and Noah communicates to the tower on permission to land. I look out the window again to lush green landscapes and we are lowering altitude into the private airstrip. Noah taxis the airplane into a place where we can park it and he opens up the door after turning the engine off. 

"You okay?" He asks me. I nod, still zoning off into space. Noah squats down so he's eye level with me. "Want to talk?"

"It's just what my mom said. I don't want to marry Nathan! For Pete's sake, he would laugh at me for being a lover of flying and the marriage would be miserable." At this point, tears are running down my face and Noah wraps his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. 

"Hey, remember what I said. I won't let him lay a finger on you." He whispers, rubbing my back slowly. His arms tighten around me when we hear the door open.

"Hazel!" Natalie says, shooting towards me, but Noah must have said something because she backs off a little, but still watches me. I sniffle and look up at Noah to see him already looking at me. I step back, wiping my eyes with the shirt sleeves and try to gain composure. 

"I-i'm sorry. That was extremely unladylike." I whisper, but Noah shakes his head.

"You have us, so we will make sure no marriage happens if you don't want it to happen." He says, holding up three fingers, "Scout's honor."

"Thanks. Now let's go figure out where Mr pilot landed us." I crack a smile and everyone chuckles before deboarding the plane. Natalie stands next to me, arm in arm and we skip down the way, cautious for other aircraft. Soon, the guys meet up with us as we see a black town car, but by the way Noah stands, it's not a car he requested. I slip my hand in his, tightening my grip on it. "Noah?" I ask and he looks down at me before gently pulling me behind him and Peter does the same to Natalie. We both look at each other with questionable looks just as the door opens.

"Shocker that I ran into you here, Noah." That voice sounds familiar, but I can't place it.

"How the hell did you find us, Nathan." I feel tense and I grab the back of Noah's shirt, frightened.

"Hi Hazel and Natalie. You know for having guy friends, you aren't doing very well." I look at Natalie who looks just as scared as I do. Noah slips an arm around my shoulder, reassuring me before bringing me to his side. "Hi Hazel." Nathan smiles his million-dollar smile at me, which I found sickening, but I stand my ground.

"What the hell do you want, Nathan?" I sneer and he chuckles before walking towards me. Natalie grabs hold of my hand while Noah tightened his arm around my shoulders. Nathan stands in front of me and lifts a hand to glide it across my face.

"My sweet doll." He coos and I keep myself from flinching. "Such a shame that a pretty girl like you decided not to take my offer." 

"Hands off her," Noah growls, deadly. "NOW!" I feel the fierce protectiveness roll off him and it makes my admiration grow for him. That little stunt only makes Nathan laugh.

"Princess got herself an admirer, so cute." He whispers and Noah dashes forward and puts his hand to Nathan's throat with a growl. I gasp and grab Noah's wrist to get him to look at me.

"I'm right here." I say, looking directly into his eyes. He releases Nathan's throat and hugs me tightly instead.

"What are you doing to me?"

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