Chapter 20

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We slow to a stop and Natalie has a death grip on my hand. I look out the window to see emergency personnel coming our way and shortly after, the emergency doors open. 

"Afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I ask kindly that you proceed in a neat and orderly fashion towards the exits, and collect any belongings that are under the seat in front of you. We will take care of any carry-on items once everyone deplanes. Thank you for your attention." The man says and slowly, we grab our things and holding onto Natalie, we walk towards the emergency exit to the tarmac, and then Peter joins us shortly. We huddle together, far away from the other passengers, but close enough to see when they brought down the luggage. I'm currently standing between Natalie and Peter, each having their arms across my shoulders. 

"Guys, I have a bad feeling." I whisper and they both look at me.

"About?" Peter asks, squeezing my shoulder.

"I feel like this whole trip has something to do with my mother. First the threat and now this. I'm not one to believe in coincidences, but this one I can make an exception on." I whisper just as I see the carry on items coming down and the workers are putting them into a neat line so people can find their suitcase. 

"Hazel?" I hear someone yell and I turn towards the voice to see Noah looking frantic as he surveys the groups of passengers, looking for me. I wave my hand and he sees me, running towards me and I meet him a little distance to have him swoop me up in his arms and tightens his hold on me. "I was afraid something happened to you." 

"I'm here, scared, but safe." I say to him, just as he kisses me on the lips. We walk back towards Natalie and Peter and they both give him hugs. 

"So what happened?" Natalie asks.

"The engine overheated." He replies and I send him a look, "but there are no signs of tampering. This type of thing isn't rare, and could happen to anyone." He says, holding me close to his side.

"May I have your attention please." The same man from earlier says, standing next to a shuttle bus, "This bus will take you back to the terminal and we will work to make sure you are on a flight to New York." Airport personnel pull out the checked luggage from the underside of the plane and put them on a trolley to be taken to the terminal. We all walk together to hop on the shuttle and I lean my head against the window. We pull up to the terminal and receive our luggage in order to go through check-in and repeat the process.

"Next." A check-in agent says so the four of us walk towards her and Noah does the talking.

"Good evening, miss. Our flight from Miami to New York was delayed due to engine failure. I was told that we would be able to receive a free ticket due to the unfortunate circumstances." He says as she looks into her computer.

"Ah, yes, here it is. I will go ahead and print tickets. Unfortunately, there are not enough seats for all four of you to be on the same flight." I look at the group and we all share looks.

"Is there anyway we get priority since the flight we were on had engine failure?" Noah bargains, slipping his hand into mine.

"Yes, but that was only if there were seats available in economy." The agent replies, typing away on her computer before getting on the phone. I lean over to Noah.

"If we need to be separated, we can go in pairs." I say, getting him to turn his gaze to face me. "I don't want to be by myself, especially after recent events." He pulls me close and tightens his grip on me before leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"They will have to fight me." He replies before the agent hangs up the phone.

"I talked to my superiors and they agreed to upgrade you to first class." I feel my legs grow weak and if Noah was not holding onto my waist, I would've passed out.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" I ask, unsure if I heard correctly. The agent turns to look at me.

"You have been upgraded." She replies before starting the process and asks for our IDs before she realized Noah was a pilot for the airline. "Sir, my apologies." We check our bags before giving tickets and ushered through security.

Thankfully we got the precheck status so it was a breeze to get through security and rushed to find our gate. The terminal was busy so Noah kept a hold on my hand as we look for our gate and succeeded just as they announce they are boarding shortly. I sit down and look down at the ticket in my hand to see the first-class seating assignment. 

"What are you thinking about, H?" Noah asks me, sitting down next to me.

"Just my crappy screwed up life." I reply, laying my head on his shoulder and close my eyes for a bit.


Noah wakes me up just as our boarding group is called to board. I grab my bag and follow the group onto the jetway towards our seats. I sit down in my spot, but Noah walks past me, sitting behind me. 

Well, who is going to sit next to me?

"Miss?" I look up to see a handsome man in a black dress shirt and gray tie that accents his body really well. 

"Yes?" I ask.

"I believe you're sitting in my spot." He replies, and I quickly move next to the window so he can sit down. I grab my ticket out from my bag to see that I was indeed, sitting in the wrong seat.

"My apologies, sir. To be honest, I have never flown first class." I reply, shyly. The man only chuckles. 

"No need to apologize, dear." He says, in a smooth Australian accent. "The name's Bentley." 

"Hazel." I say, shaking his hand, but he kisses the back of my hand before letting it go and I get a glimpse of his emerald colored eyes.

"Pleasure to be in the presence of a beautiful woman."

Oh man, the boy is laying on the charm.

Their still boarding passengers, when my phone vibrates in my lap.

Noah: Seriously?

Me: I would rather sit next to you since the guy is laying on the charm like icing a cake.

Noah: Need me to step in? There's an extra seat beside me. 

I look behind me and make eye contact with Noah.

Me: I'll be fine. Just where did Nat and Peter sit?

Noah: Beside me on the other side of the aisle.

I peek my head over the chair to see Natalie against the window and Peter on the aisle seat. They make eye contact with me and I do the nose thing, but glance down at my seatmate and she nods. 

"Miss, please buckle your seatbelt." The flight attendant asks and I comply, just as the plane makes its way down the taxiway and the crew do their safety checks.

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