Chapter 10

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Once I said that, Dr. Montgomery calls for a couple of officers, one of them being a female officer. Natalie rubs my shoulder as I'm sitting on the edge of the bed and in a change of clothes she brought me which consists of a pair of pants, a blue button-up shirt and a pair of comfy shoes. Someone knocks on the door.


"Come in." Natalie says. There were two officers, one of them a lady. She had her blonde hair up in a ponytail, hat tucked under her arm, and in the typical Miami Police Department uniform. The man also has blonde hair and similar to the female officer. The man pulls up a chair while the female officer sits down on the bed.

"Hi, I'm officer Anderson," The female officer says, "this is officer Moore." She gestures to her partner.

"I'm Hazel Clark and this is my best friend, Natalie." I make the introductions and feel a little at ease. "Anything that is said, she can hear it as well." Officer Anderson nods.

"I'm gonna assume that the two men outside are also your friends, but don't want them to hear?" I nod in agreement.

"Yes. Peter would most likely go after the guy and Noah will back him up." I feel guilty at saying that, but that is a good enough reason to not let them inside. I explain to them the situation and Natalie continues rubbing my shoulders as I continue. I finish and look to see anything on their faces.

"Interesting. Roofies are a date rape drug that is said to affect the memory of the situation, but you gave us some pretty good information. Let me see if we can talk to a detective about this and I'll keep in touch with you." Anderson says, digging into her pocket to give me a card, "If you need anything, call me on this. This is my personal cell number." I take it from her hand and look it over before looking up at her.

"Thank you for....not..." Crap, how was I supposed to finish when I even felt ashamed. I feel another hand on my wrist and it's Moore.

"You are not to blame, Hazel. There was a man who decided to take advantage of you. We have had similar cases, but so far nothing has connected. Personally, we will see to it that your case will be handled with the utmost care." Moore says, his green eyes holding promise in them.

"Thank you." I say as I scribble down my number on Anderson's notepad. "Hear anything, let me know."

"We will. Thank you for your patience, Hazel." Anderson says, motioning for Moore to follow her out the door and then Peter and Noah peek their heads in.

"Everything okay?" Peter asks, but I simply nod my head.

"Yeah. I'm ready to get home. Did my mom-?" I ask, but I already know the answer.

"Sorry Hazel. We've been here the whole time, no matter how many times they were trying to kick us out." Nat says, looping her arm through mine as I hop off the bed, almost losing my balance. I yelp, feeling my legs are jelly, but Noah grabs my waist to keep me from falling.

"Easy there, princess." He says and I keep myself from swooning yet again and I nod. We already filled out the discharge papers so Noah keeps his arm around me as we walk back towards the car that Peter pulled up into the bay. I move into the backseat while Natalie slides in next to me and Noah starts the car, heading back to my house. I look for my sunglasses to shield my eyes from the sun that is starting to give me a headache, but Natalie gives me hers.

"What day is it?"

"It's Saturday afternoon. Only twelve hours you were out." Natalie says as we pull into the driveway and my mom is standing in the entryway with a look saying that I'm about to get my ass grilled. Everyone sees and then turns to face me.

"My mom is gonna roast me, which means things are gonna get ugly, real fast." I sigh, opening the door to get out and walk around the back towards the house. I look behind me to see everyone is sticking a little behind to give me space, which I'm thankful for.

"Hazel Green Clark, what the hell happened to you last night? I raised you better than that to skip out on a suitor like that." My mom screeches before grabbing my arm inside and taking me to the back office, which is away from everything. "Explain Hazel." I have officially had it so I snap.

"That man tried to drug me so he can kidnap me and therefore most likely rape me! You dare tell me that I missed out on a great suitor?" At this point, I'm yelling, tears filling in my eyes, "I didn't because he's stuck up and full of himself."

"You will do as I say and I have already arranged to have you marry him and that's final." My mom returns with her own death glare and I feel my heart drop in my chest.

I turn to face the door, but look back to my mom, "I'm perfectly capable of finding myself a partner." I say with a bit of an edge before storming towards the door and slamming it in my wake. I run towards the water and sit down on the porch swing, silently crying. My body shakes with fear and sobs when I hear crunching of leaves behind me. I sniffle and look behind me, standing up slowly, "W-whos there?" I whisper, walking back to put my back against a tree.

"It's me." The accent says and I relax as Noah comes into view. He has his arms up, keeping eye contact with me. He's wearing a simple short sleeve button up shirt jeans, and street shoes. I sniffle and wipe the tears with my shirt.

"What are you doing out here?" I ask as he comes closer.

"We heard the yelling match between you and your mom. Natalie thought all of us should go make sure you were okay, but Peter suggested sending me because Natalie has a way with words." He says, before adding, "Plus, I have sisters and can be gentle." He sits down on the bench and I sit down next to him.

"She set me up with Nathan and does she realize how much my life will be miserable." I start crying again and Noah wraps his arm around my shoulders, gently pulling me to his side. "I already talked to the cops, but I don't want to marry him. My mom must hate me." Noah rubs my back as I cry into his shirt.

"I have a story."

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