Chapter 4

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"Hazel?" I look up from my book to see Noah standing a little bit in front of me. He was in his flight uniform, the stripes across the sleeves, the white shirt with a tie, and his hat on his head.

"Hi Noah." I say with a smile as I put my book down and stand up, not sure what to do. "Are you our pilot for the flight?"

"Yes ma'am." He says. I look over at Natalie and Peter and realize I forgot to introduce them.

"Noah, this is Natalie, my best friend and Peter, her husband." I say as they shake hands with each other.

"Lovely to meet you, however, I better get going so I'm not fired." He says, looking at me. "See you again soon?" I nod and he leaves through the tunnel towards the plane. I must have been looking with a look in my eye because Natalie grabs my arm to gently pull me into the seat.

"Hazel, you like him don't you?" She asks me. I'm not sure how to answer that since I was still confused myself.

"He gets me, but that's it so far." I say, just as they begin boarding passengers. We show our tickets and walk through the tunnel where we can hear the hum of the engine when I look to my left and see Noah in the cabin, talking to the co-pilot. He glances over at me and flashes me a dazzling smile that I return before Natalie gently nudges me so we can find our seats on the plane. We succeed and Peter takes our bags to put them in the compartments while Natalie and I sit down in our spots and Peter sits next to his wife. The flight attendants go through the pre-flight stuff with us and I can distinctly hear Noah's voice over the speakers as he talks to the control tour so we can safely take-off.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Welcome onboard flight 1576 en route to Miami International Airport. It will approximately take five hours to arrive and weather conditions may play a part in the time. Thank you for choosing Hibiscus Airlines and enjoy the flight." Noah's British accent says through the speakers, making me smile just as I feel the plane stop on the runway. I look out my window to hear the turbines rush with power and feel the plane fly forward, gaining speed to take off successfully. We do and I smile at how much that part is my favorite, also a close second is knowing the pilot, even if it was a simple meet-and-greet type thing at the bar. I lean my head against the window and relax.

"Okay, Mrs. Pilot." Natalie asks me and I turn to glare at her, which she returns with a knowing smile.

"Come on, you officially met him. What do you think?" I turn towards her in my seat, curious to hear what she thinks.

"He seems like a great guy, bonus points that he can fly." She replies, causing Peter to lean into our conversation.

"I agree with Nat here. I swear I'm straight, but holy crap he looks good." Peter says, earning a smack from Nat while I silently laugh.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I have turned on the seatbelt light to begin our descent into Miami International Airport." Noah says, and I hear the clicking of the seat belts and the anticipation of reaching our destination. I look out the window to see the plane lining up to land on the runway and the ground slowly gets bigger until the wheels hit the ground. We tax into an open gate and we wait until we are able to unboard, which happens shortly after. The three of us wait until it's not as crowded and then Peter gets our luggage out from the overheads, giving it to us as we get out of our seats.

"Miss?" I look next to me to see a flight attendant.

"Yes?" I ask, noticing Natalie and Peter stop, and look at us.

"Please follow me." She says and I nod, looking back to see a thumbs up in my direction. I follow the lady towards the cockpit and knocks on the door.

"Yes?" The unfamiliar voice says and my stomach starts going up in knots.

"Is Mr. Watson in?" I hear two voices talking before the door opens to show a tall man, blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and wearing a pilot uniform. He smiles at me and looks to see Noah glaring at him.

"Give it up Mason. Let the lady in." Noah says, flashing me a smile and Mason moves to let me in. I timidly step in while the door closes, leaving me with Noah and Mason. "Hazel, go ahead and take my seat. I already finished all flight inspections that are needed." He says, standing up and gestures me to the seat. I nod and sit down, suddenly intrigued with all the controls and dials that seem to surround the cockpit.

"Wow, this is amazing." I say with a smile. I look out the window to the airport and I see an arm, showing me the different controls and dials. I look up to see Noah really close to me and I listen intently. He finishes showing me the controls and I look over to see Mason smiling at me.

"Damn girl, you must love planes." He says, causing me to shiver a bit. They grab their things and I open the door to see the plane empty and my stuff is most likely with Natalie and Peter. I turn to face Mason.

"Yep. You bet your ass I do." I smirk. I nod at Noah, who looks like he's holding in a laugh.

"Give it up Mason." Noah says, walking behind me towards the tunnel and when I walk out to the gate, there are many people staring at me and I suddenly get shy. I put my hair in front of my face and feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

Natalie: In the back of the gate area

I look up to see Natalie and Peter standing with our stuff. I shyly smile at them when I feel someone standing next to me and they put a hand on my shoulder and immediately, self-defense training kicks in and I immediately slam my foot into the opponent's foot, causing him to let go.

"Shit Hazel!"

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