Chapter 14

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Noah just pulled up to a ballroom where they do swing dance lessons. I smile and leap out of the car, but Natalie holds me back.

"Easy there, darling." She says, laughing. Noah comes up to me after locking the car and I grab his hand, pulling him towards the door. We walk in and Noah pays for us to get in just as they start the lessons. The instructors give us instructions that we can stick with one person, so I do since I don't know anyone. Noah gently pats my back.

"You're safe, okay." He whispers and I nod just as we start the lessons.


We finished the lessons and the instructors tell us that we are free to dance and if we had any questions to ask them. Noah takes my hand and leads me away from the floor, towards where Natalie and Peter are standing and I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Oh my gosh!" I gush, clearly excited. 

"Um, miss?" I turn around to see a tall man, black hair, a nice button-up shirt with a tie standing close by.

"Yes?" I ask, aware that Noah has tightened his grip on my hand and I squeeze before letting go. 

"May I have this dance?" The man asks and I nod, leaning over towards Noah.

"I'll remain in view, hows that?" He nods and the man gently takes my hand and leads me to an open area on the floor. 

"He's quite possessive of you." The man asks as we do the pretzel.

"Yes. I had a bit of a run-in with a man who apparently drugged me. Let's just say he's cautious." I reply, looking over at Noah, who seems to be tightening his jaw.


"Yeah. Basically something like this happened and he doesn't trust anyone except my best friend." I reply, before asking. "I never caught your name."

"My bad, I'm Eric."

"I'm Hazel." I reply with a gentle smile. We finish dancing and Eric offers me the crook of his arm and leads me towards Noah, who stands up, eyeing Eric. I glare at Noah, telling him to knock it off just as he slips an arm around my waist. "Noah, this is Eric. Eric, this is Noah." I say, making the introductions, but I can tell the guys are sizing each other up, so I smack Noah on the chest. "Play nice." 

"Nice to meet you Eric." Noah says, holding out his hand and Eric takes it.

"Likewise." Eric says, shaking hands. 

"And this is Natalie and Peter." I say just as they show up to our group and they shake the hands of each other, but Peter is sizing up Eric. "Oh come on!" I say, my hands going up in the air in agitation, catching the eye of the group. 

"Haz, what's wrong?" Natalie says, putting an arm around me and I try to breathe. I gesture to outside and she follows, Peter telling the guys that it is okay and not to worry about us. Nat and I walk outside and sit down on the wooden steps. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Noah and Peter are sizing Eric up, almost like they don't trust me." I sigh, laying my head against my knees. 

"Maybe, ever since Nathan, Noah is scared to lose you." Natalie says, causing me to glance up at her.

"Really?" She nods in agreement.

"Yep. He didn't know Nathan, and then you end up in the hospital." She says, shivering, "Even though I haven't known Noah for very long, I trust him, with you."

"You're right. We should get back so the guys don't worry about us." I say, standing up and Natalie follows suit. "Thanks Nat." I say, hugging her before looping her arm in mine and walking back inside. We look for the guys to see all of them dancing with the other ladies. The song finishes and they each walk their partners back to their groups before coming to meet us.

"Everything, okay?" Noah asks, just as Eric and Peter join us.

"Yep." I say, just as one of my favorite songs comes on and I turn to face Natalie with a smile on my face. She understands and asks Noah to dance just as I ask Peter to dance. We go to an open space that is near each other and begin dancing and the next thing I know, we switch partners and I'm dancing with Noah.

"I'm sorry about earlier." He says, after a moment of silence. I look up at him.

"You're fine. Natalie told me that you were just watching out for me." I say, just as his grip on me tightens. 

"I was scared that something was going to happen and I couldn't stop it." My heart splits in half at the crack in his voice, full of emotion. I stop dancing and put my hands on his face, getting him to look into my eyes.

"I have never been more thankful for you looking out for me." I say, and I feel the whole world fade away so it's just us. I feel something pulling us together, and a change in music causes me to snap out of the trance. "Aw crap, please excuse me." I say, walking outside and sit down on the steps, looking up at the stars. 

How did everything go wrong in my life? The only good thing is dancing with my friends and Noah, who I'm suddenly developing feelings for.

Take it slow, but take a chance. He's not Logan.

I sigh and listen to the music coming from inside when I hear someone walking towards me. I look up to see a figure, but can't see the face. I can't ignore the feeling that something is wrong. Seriously wrong.

Great. I'm about to get murdered and no one will come looking.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" I ask, just as the figure stands in front of me.

"Not as beautiful as you." I resist the urge to gag.

Cheesy, good heavens.

I stand up, and mentally plan out a way to escape this situation. I slightly move, but the figure follows me, blocking my way.

"Someone has class." I say a little loud. 

"My mama raised me to get a gentleman." The figure says, and I scream just as I realize who it is.

"Nathan, how the hell?" I yell just as he grabs my shoulders, but I dodge him to throw a punch into his face. He goes down and I book it into the showroom just as Noah and Peter come out.

"Easy, easy Hazel, what's wrong?" 

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