Chapter 17

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I open my eyes to find myself in a nice, spacious room. The bed is very comfortable and almost like you are sitting on a cloud. I sit up slightly to take in the rest of the room and see a speck of white on the bed. I slowly look down to see I'm wearing a beautiful wedding dress, laced long sleeves, a simple but elegant design down the front until arm's length and then the rest of the dress flows down to my feet.

"Holy shit." I whisper and get out of bed, careful to keep from ruining the dress. I bunch it up with my hands and walk into the living room. Gorgeous kitchen with marble countertops and island, all stainless steel appliances. The living room has two sofas next to each other, a fireplace against the wall, a coffee table, and oddly enough, it has a woman's touch to it. I make my way into the kitchen and look for anything to get me to call out, when the sound of keys jangling from the doorknob. I grab a knife out of the knife holder and push myself against the counter, the knife held out in front of me. The door opens and Nathan walks in, followed by one of his henchmen. 

"Ah good, you're awake." Nathan says and I stare him dead in the face.

"Get the hell away from me or so help me, I will stab you." I say, hoping the fear doesn't show through my voice. He signals for the man to detain me and I turn around to stab the guy in the chest before running towards the balcony and I scream just as someone grabs me from around the waist and drags me back into the apartment and shuts the door, throwing me on the couch. 

"Tsk tsk, darling. Don't you trust me?" Nathan soothes, but I shiver away, whimpering. 

"Why are you doing this?" I ask and he just chuckles.

"My dear, your mother arranged all this." He says, pulling a syringe out from his pocket. "I'm sorry." He says, inserting the syringe into my neck.


Noah's P.O.V

"Noah, damnit Noah, wake your sorry ass up now." I open my eyes to see myself in a bedroom and everything hits me with what happened.


I shoot straight up in bed and immediately get a splitting headache.

"Ow, crap." I yelp, moving my hand to the back of my head and remove it to see blood on my fingertips. 

"Noah, stop messing with the wound." Natalie says. She puts a bandage on the wound. 

"That son of a bitch took Hazel!" I growl and hop out of bed, feeling like a caged animal. I start pacing at the end of the bed.

I promised her that I would protect her.

"Damnit Noah, stop it!" Peter says, grabbing my shoulders to stop me. "What's going through that head of yours?"

"I was supposed to protect Hazel, damnit!" I yell, frustrated. "I was supposed to protect her from Nathan." I exclaim, my heart breaking with each word I spoke. "I broke that promise. I betrayed her." I collapse against the foot of the bed, defeated and I feel tears roll down my face. Natalie gets down onto eye level with me. 

"You gave her a sense of protection like she was the only person that mattered." She says, "She hasn't had that since Logan and you bring her happiness, such as flying." She finishes and then has a look across her face before she slaps me across the face. "Now get your sorry ass up and stop being sorry for yourself. Nathan has her and god knows what he's doing to do to her." She sneers and I rub my face.

"Damn girl, you got power." I say.

"Sorry. I was trying to knock some sense into you." She says, offering a hand to me. I take and she helps me up along with Peter. "Let's go find your girl." She says with a smirk, "And let's go kick some ass." She says and Peter gives her a kiss.

"That's my wife." He says before pulling us both out of the room to see Beverly standing at the end of the hallway. I resist the urge to strangle her, but Natalie puts a hand on my arm. I look down to see my hands have clenched into fists. I take a deep breath to relax and turn my focus to Beverly.

"Ah, dearies. I'm so happy I caught you." She says with a sinister smile.

"What the hell did you do to Hazel?" I growl, "To your own daughter!" That only causes her to laugh.

"You were never good enough for her. She deserves someone with money and power, not someone who is a pilot." She says, walking towards me before poking a finger in my chest. "You are never gonna be there when she needs it flying causes you to be gone for days at a time." She sneers. 

Your parents taught you never to hit a woman, no matter how much she irritates the hell out of you.

"You are lucky my parents raised me as a true gentleman." I say, gaining some confidence to intimidate her just a little bit. "Flying is her passion and would do anything just to be in the sky. You can take the girl out of flying, but you can't take the flying out of the girl." I say when I hear someone cough. I look over Beverly's shoulder to see Derek laying on the floor, trying to get up. "Jesus Christ." I say, darting to his side to check for injuries. "Derek? Talk to me."

"Noah? Hazel?" He asks and my heart breaks at her name. I stand up, but Derek grabs my hand. "Go get my stepdaughter." He says and I tense up before facing Beverly.

Don't you dare do it.

She knows where Hazel is, damnit.

I walk up to her and gently grab her by the collar and lift her up so that she's eye level with me. 

"I'm not gonna ask again." I say, in my most intimidating voice I can muster. "Where is Hazel?" I growl out. That only causes Beverly to chuckle. 

"You're handsome, but Hazel Clark is no longer." I let her go and walk out front and try so hard to not beat the rental car when a hand lands on my shoulder and I turn to attack them with my arm to the throat and back against the car. 

"Dude, chill, it's me." Peter says and I shake my head and let Peter go.

"Damnit, sorry bro." I say, but Peter only shakes his head.

"I get it, man. We need to get cracking to find her, before she becomes Mrs. Nathan Blake." Peter says, shivering and I don't blame him. Natalie comes out with her laptop and hops into the car, which we follow and I start the car.

"Okay, where do we start?" I ask, pulling the car down the driveway.

"Police?" Peter asks, but Natalie shakes her head.

"Peter, there's something you should know about me." Natalie asks and both Peter and I turn to face her.

"What is it, darling?"

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