Chapter 3

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"And that's how I found what possibly could be the best guy in the world." I just finished the rerun from the evening and flopped down next to Natalie on my bed. She sits up and looks at me.

"Dude, you need to date him and he didn't tuck tail and run when you told him about your love of flying." She says and I put my thumbnail next to my mouth and smile, something I do when I'm happy and not wanting to look like a complete idiot. "You're doing it again."

"Yeah. I guess I am." I say, then shoot up, "Shit, I need to buy airplane tickets for this weekend." I groan, getting off the bed to grab my laptop.

"Peter and I have racked up a whole bunch of miles, instead of using your own money." Natalie suggests, but I shake my head.

"I can't do that to you. You both earned those....wait, would you mind?" I ask and I can see Natalie tossing the idea around in her head.

"Sure. Let me ask Peter, but he's usually up for anything." She says before adding, "Plus I can help save you from your mother." I reach over to give her a hug.

"Thank you. Now let's go order some tickets." I scroll through and shockingly enough, I find the time frame is the airline Noah works for. I order the tickets and Natalie drags me out of my house and into hers to find Peter cooking in the kitchen.

"Honey, what do you think about going to Florida for this weekend?" Natalie asks him and he turns around, shining his blue eyes on his lovely wife before turning them on me.

"Of course. Her mom call her again?" He says, in his smooth southern accent. Peter is from Arkansas and moved to New York to pursue a career in Architecture due to his love of woodworking. He just came out of a meeting while Natalie walked in, running into each other. He asked if she was alright and the rest is history.

"Sadly yes." I reply, taking a seat at the barstool and Peter pours the wine, but I shake my head. "I already had one too many glasses today." He looks at me funny, but Natalie smirks.

"Mr. Noah, her pilot, bought her a drink and got her to go talk to him."

"For one, he's not my pilot, also Peter was shipping it." I say, just as he starts laughing.

"Well yeah I was shipping it. I gave him a once over and he got the brotherly approval. Plus, it's just meeting people."

"That's true." I say, taking a drink of the wine. I help carry the dishes to the table and the smell of Peter's cooking fills the room as we dig in and laugh at the stories of the workday, and surprisingly, when I'm around them, I don't feel like I'm third-wheeling.


Ring Ring!

'Damnit." I groan, and reach over to grab my phone off the table and see that it's my mom.

"Hello?" I say, sleepily. I still have an hour before I'm supposed to get up and ready for work.

"Oh Hazel, don't worry about going to work today. I already called your boss and he happily let you go."

Oh shit.

"Mom, you know you can't do that right? I could get fired." I reply, moving to a situp position against my headboard.

"Oh relax darling. Now, I bought your plane tickets already so be at the airport at 10 am. It's out of La Guardia airport."

"Damnit mom, I already bought my ticket." I groan.

"Okay, I will find out to refund it. Darling, what is your problem?"

It's 5:30 am in the morning and I can't do anything on my own.

"I'm an adult, mom. I have an income coming in so I'm able to survive on my own."

"I want grandchildren and you can't do it when you're not married."

"Mom, I have to go. Love you." I say, hanging up. I flip down into my comforter and yell before getting up and glancing at Noah's jacket hanging up on the coat rack. I smile and walk into the kitchen to make coffee, leaning my head back against the cupboard when there's a soft knock on the door before there's a sound of keys jingling and Natalie pokes her head inside.

"You look like shit." I chuckle.

"Thanks. What are you doing up?" I ask her just as she shuts the door and walks over to me.

"I had a feeling, also hearing a distinct scream that seemed to be muffled."

"My mom called and told me she called my boss and told him I was not gonna be in and then proceeded to buy my own ticket, which I already did because you two are coming and also it's the same airline that Noah flies for." I feel my eyes go wide at the sudden confession while Natalie has the matchmaking smile.

"You like him and you totally wanna see him in his uniform." She teases just as the coffee pot dings and I grab two coffee mugs out of the cupboard. I pour coffee into both of them and then add some coffee creamer to mine while Natalie adds sugar and creamer to hers. "You have your two siblings and we'll make sure that your mother doesn't go crazy."

"Thanks." I say with a smile, looking at the clock to find that it's 7:30. "I have to go call my boss to make sure my ass didn't get fired." I reach for my phone and dial the number for work.

"Evergreens Insurance. This is Everly, how can I help you?"

"Hi Everly, this is Hazel. Is Chris in?" I ask, taking a sip of coffee.

"Yes he is. Let me transfer you." I get put on hold and I look at Natalie, since we both look like crap.

"Hi Hazel. Your mother called me this morning." Chris says.

"Okay, I can expla-" I start, but then get cut off.

"I would have really appreciated it if it was you that told me."

"My mom has a knack for getting into my business and that includes calling my boss."

"I will let it slide this time, but another stunt like this, I will have to fire you."

"Yes, sir. Thank you for your time." I say, hanging up. "Son of a bitch!" I swear, feeling tears start to run down my face. Natalie grabs my coffee cup to put it on the counter and leads me to the couch just as I start crying into her shoulder. "My mom hates me and is practically begging for me to get fired from my job." The door opens with a grunt and we both look to see Peter moving their stuff for the trip to my place, but he stops when he sees us.

"I uh-shit I'm sorry for intruding." He says, rubbing the back of his neck, but Natalie gestures towards us. He complies, shutting the door and walks over to wrap his arms around me.


I finish packing for the weekend and after calming down enough, we are able to get into a taxi that will take us to the airport, but the whole time, I was thinking about the one man who has been on my mind since I met him.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Natalie asks me.

"Just thinking." I reply, but she knows what exactly I was talking about when we pull up to the gate. The cabbie helps us unload our stuff and together, we walk to get our tickets and then through security. Finally, we survive and take our seats by the gate to wait for boarding.


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