Chapter 12 - Crucio and Beardie

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Kat's POV

"Crucio!" A jet of gray light shot at me. I dodged. I rolled out of the space I was just in, and the beam dissolved into the stone-cold, hard cement ground.

"How dare you do that! Crucio!" Father shouted. I, once again, did what I did last time. By now, my father was practically screaming like a little girl in agony, throwing aimless curses everywhere, hoping one would hit me.

Which is not going to happen. Not today.

You see, I have never actually shown this kind of bravery before. I just used to lay there, whimpering in pain, afraid of the world. I wanted my life to end.

But now, I am a different person. I am no longer the weak, helpless, stupid and cowardly Kat Malfoy. I am the brilliant, brave, and strong Kat. Note that I'm not a Malfoy anymore. I am just Kat.

Kat the Brave.

"Kathrynn. KATH-RYNN!" My father yelled. I looked up.

"Yes?" I asked, bored.

"Clean this room. Clean yourself up. I'll see you in ten minutes for the next round," He smirked evilly, and left. I rolled my eyes, and stood. I started to do what he said. But never got around to finishing it, because the next thing I know, I feel a tug in my stomach, I'm facing a HUGE castle.


But I'm a squib...

"Hello, young lady, aren't you a bit early for term?" I jumped at the voice behind me. I turned. A man in blue robes with a long, white beard and blue eyes glistening behind half-moon spectacles was smiling down at me.

I hesitated, "Umm, when does term start?"

"Why, it begins tonight, in approximately two hours!" The man said, calmly. My mouth formed a tiny 'o'.

"Er- I am a squib, how do I get back home...?" I asked uncertainly. The man frowned.

"You aren't a squib, Kathrynn. You will most certainly attend Hogwarts this year, no matter what your father says." He stated. How does he know my name?

"How do you- never mind. What I should be asking is: How am I not a squib?" I inquired. Beardie smiled.

"Your father just said so to make you feel bad," He answered, waving an arm dismissively.

My father, lied and told me I am a squib?

And why does that not surprise me? Oh, right. It's Lucius Malfoy we're talking about.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. What is your name?"

"Albus Dumbledore." He explained. I froze.

"Dumbledore? As in, the almighty headmaster of Hogwarts? As in the only one who VoldyMoldy is actually scared of?" I asked, taking a deep breath afterwards.

Dumbledore chuckled, "Yes, that's me. Now. Let's take you to the Hospital Wing, where you will be cleaned up for tonight." I nodded.

He led me through large oak wood doors, and I gasped in awe. This place is magnificent!

And the best of all? I'll be able to call it my home.

Dumbledore and I walked around the castle for a while, making small talk. After a while, we stopped in front of another pair of doors. He opened them, and I was blinded by white. After my vision cleared, I saw that hospital beds were lined up neatly on each side of the big room. Also, there was an office in the corner of the room. Dumbledore knocked on the door of the tiny looking office. So many doors...

The Golden Girls (HOO, HP, TKC) Part IWhere stories live. Discover now