Just Once

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I stared at the clock on my phone. It's been a normal occurrence that I've been staying up till Beck got home. Right now we were in London. I followed him on his revenge plan he had. It was about 11 PM. My (h/c) hair fell in front of my eyes; the light of my phone slowly dimmed and then turned off. The sound of the little air conditioner running, broke the silence. Footsteps made my head perk up. The door slowly creaked open.
"Hey bubs."
I said and stretched my back.
"Hi, hun."
Beck said to me as he ran his fingers through his hair, he was in a grey sweater and sweatpants.  He kicked the door closed.
"So how'd it go?"
"Fine, we're going to set everything off tomorrow. I want you to get with the group so I know you're safe there."
He said and walked into the connected kitchenette. I looked over at him. His eyelids drooped slightly over his blue eyes. His movements of making a glass of water were slow
I whined softly.
"Come here bubs, you look tired."
He glanced up at me, his eyes slightly brighter than they were earlier. I stretched my arms out towards him, watching him place the cup down and walking over to me. He laid onto my chest and hugged himself around my smaller frame. I laid back and held him close to me.
"Go to sleep. You got a big day tomorrow."
He whined softly, nuzzling his face into my chest. I giggled at his movements.
"Just this once please?"
I ran my fingers through his hair. He grumbled and closed his eyes. I smiled and kissed his head, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Time Skip

William grabbed my arm and pulled me through a building.
"Where's Quentin?"
I said worriedly.
"I don't know."
He said and pushed me towards a car. I slowly got in and glanced around. William quickly got in and started driving with the group of people that were trying to flee London.
"But he told me to get you out of here so that's what I'm going to do."
William said again and there were no more words spoken. I stared at all the drones that turned off their projections. Spiderman jumped towards the bridge and I sighed softly.

Another Time Skip yay

I sat in my shared apartment with Beck. I stared at my phone. I watched as the clock numbers slowly changed. It's been a few days since I got back from London. I was expecting Beck would call from prison or something. Then I thought SHIELD probably got him. The TV show I was watching got cut off by a breaking news alert. It brought my attention away from my phone and looked up at it. It was J.J from the Daily Bugle. He was doing his normal rant about Spider-Man until he said something about Mysterio. I glanced over and paid more attention. A video went on the screen of Beck, saying how Spider-Man had attacked him and was using the drones. I giggled slightly at his acting skills.

"You heard it right here folks, Spider-Man is a murderer."

My heart stopped and my smile dropped. A murderer? Does that mean Beck is gone? Tears welled up in my eyes as I clasped my hands over my mouth. Frantic knocks came from the door. I quickly wiped my eyes and walked over to it, peeking through a small crack. A man stood there in a blue baseball cap and an NYU sweatshirt. He pushed through the door, knocking me to the floor. I screamed before a hand covered my mouth, muffling it.
"(Y/n) shhh, it's me! Calm down!"

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