Chapter Fifty-Four: The Invasion

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Daniella smiled as she woke up next to her husband, it seemed unreal to have him home and she was slowly getting used to waking up next to him; she watched him for a moment before she leant across and kissed him.

Gerard murmured in his sleep and turned over, he was enjoying just being home with his family right now; it had been a long time since he had been able to just relax.

Daniella carefully climbed out of bed, she didn’t want to wake him when she could take Henri to school on her way to work; she quietly moved to get dressed for work.

Daniella brushed her hair, she didn’t know what it was but her bad feeling had returned and she didn’t like it; she wasn’t sure what she would do if something happened.

Daniella shook her head, she wasn’t going to allow anything to happen; she was stronger than the human that she had been, she wasn’t going to give in or roll over and play dead.

Daniella looked over at Gerard as she dressed in a cream dobby spot blouse and dark grey bi stretch bootcut fit trousers; she wasn’t going to worry him in anyway.

Things had never been easy for them and Daniella was hoping that they would get better; she was finally settling in to her life with Gerard again, she had missed him so much.

Daniella took a deep breath and slipped on her black T-bar court heels, she had no idea what she was going to do if something ruined things now; she was happy and in the week since Gerard had come home it had all slowly started to quieten down.

Daniella walked out of the bedroom and shut the door behind her, she closed her eyes she rested against the door for a moment; she would make sure that nothing was going to come between them this time.


Rolling over in bed, Gerard reached out only to discover that he was in bed alone; he sat up confused for a moment before he saw a note attached to the alarm clock.

Gerard sighed reaching for it, he should have known that Daniella would slip away so that she could go to work and take Henri to school.

Leaning back in the bed, Gerard wondered what he would do now that he was back in Barcelona; returning to football wasn’t an option right now and he didn’t want to sit around the house all day.

Gerard didn’t like the idea of becoming a househusband, it wasn’t something that he wanted to do and he had no problem with Daniella working and he was glad that she had found something to do that gave her a purpose.

Gerard brushed his fingers through his hair before he climbed out of bed, he looked around wondering what he would do with his life now; he wanted to be supportive of Daniella in any way that he needed her to be.

Climbing out of bed, Gerard made a plan for the day and his first stop would be to drop by the council building and take Daniella for lunch.

Gerard was determined to show that he was okay, he had been pretty quiet recently since he had come back and time with Daniella was rare because of her role within the council.

Gerard headed for the bathroom to shower, his next stop after that was to find himself some work; he needed to do something, anything before he died of boredom.

Turning on the shower, Gerard looked at himself in the mirror and sighed; he had been gone at war for too long and he was going to rebuild his life, the past week had been nice but now he needed to make a decision on what he was going to do next.


Daniella sipped on her coffee as she walked back towards her office, she’d had a boring meeting with one of the Asian vampires and she was glad that it was over.

Daniella was often sent to do the work that neither of her parents wished to do; there was large loses because of the war and the council was having problems with disappearances.

Brushing some hair from her face, Daniella ignored the call that Marc gave as she continued towards her office; she wasn’t in the mood to deal with the male vampire who seemed almost obsessed with her now.

Marc hurried after Daniella, he wanted to give her one final chance to accept his offer to become his mate; he wanted her more than anything and he was determined to have her one way or the other.

“Daniella wait,” Marc said pulling the brunette to a stop, he disliked when she didn’t do as he asked and if it weren’t for Gerard coming back then she’d be his mate already.

Daniella glared at Marc, she had no interest in him and she didn’t understand why he thought that she would ever change her mind about her marriage.

“What do you want?” Daniella snapped she pulled her arm away from Marc, she didn’t know why he wouldn’t leave her alone; she hadn’t ever given him a hint that she would change her mind.

Marc smirked stepping closer to Daniella, he was going to have her and no one would stop him; she could give herself willingly to him or she could be taken by force, the choice was hers.

“I’m here to give you one last chance… choose me,” Marc said making Daniella stare at him confused wondering what he was talking about; she would never choose him.

The hair stood up on the back of her neck making Daniella turn around, she paused as she noticed a lot of people dressed in black; something was clearly about to happen.


Walking into the large council building, Gerard looked around taking in the area and it wasn’t the first time that he had been there; he always felt on edge whenever he was inside of it.

Gerard shook his head, he was only here to see his wife and he wasn’t going to ever feel settled around the vampires that worked inside of the building but her; he loved her and nothing would change that.

Gerard felt the hair on the back of his neck, he stopped and looked around allowing his blue eyes to scan the room; he froze spotting a man dressed in black, he swallowed realising what was going on.

Gerard looked around as his heart pounded in his chest, he slowly started to speed up needing to get to Daniella; he wasn’t about to lose his wife.

As soon as Gerard stepped out of the main hall and into a side corridor, he was knocked to the floor by an explosion; he ducked down as people started to scream.

Gerard shook his head as he pushed himself to his feet, he couldn’t waste time and he had to get to Daniella; he had lost her once and he didn’t intend on losing her again.

Ducking into another corridor, Gerard started to form a plan in his mind on how he was going to find Daniella; his heart pounded in his chest making him fear for her even more.

Gun shots rang out making Gerard lean against the wall, he had no idea how the hunters had gotten into the council building; it wasn’t possible unless someone had helped them.

Gerard gritted his teeth, he would murder whoever had done it himself if anything happened to Daniella; she was everything to him and he didn’t know what he would do if something happened to her.

Gerard started towards her office, he could only pray that she would be there when he arrived at her office and that she was okay.


Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for the delay with this chapter, I had writer's block and it's taken me ages to get writing that I was happy with.

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