Chapter Thirty-Three: Pregnancy Cravings

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Daniella furrowed her brow as she padded into the kitchen, she was six weeks pregnant and the couple were preparing for their first Christmas together; she yawned softly as she looked around knowing that Gerard would be back soon from shopping.

The vampire was insistent that since this was their first Christmas that it had to be special; the brunette smiled as she remembered what had happened a couple of days previously when he had turned up one evening with a brand new Christmas tree.

Gerard wanted everything to be special for them and he was getting everything ready, he knew that he was going overboard but this was their first holiday together but he wanted it to be special.

Daniella moved to open the fridge and stared at its contents, she licked her lips as she heard her stomach grumble before she sighed and pulled out some bacon so that she could do herself a sandwich; the brunette nibbled at her lip as she slowly cooked the bacon.

It didn’t take long before the bacon slowly started to turn pink, Daniella furrowed her brow as she stared at the barely cooked bacon as she felt her baby nudge softly against her stomach; she knew that she couldn’t eat the bacon as it was but for some odd reason, she wanted to.

Daniella turned off the frying pan and slowly backed away from the bacon, she wasn’t sure what was going on; the last three weeks of her pregnancy had been so easy and now this was happening.

Daniella sat down at the breakfast bar as she bit her lip, she swallowed nervously as she heard Gerard returned from the shops; she glanced behind her wondering what to do now.

“I think I got everything,” Gerard said as he walked into the kitchen, he didn’t notice the look on his mate’s face as he walked towards the fridge to put things away; he furrowed his brow as he picked up on the smell of the bacon.

Gerard glanced behind him before he noticed a slightly shocked Daniella, she looked confused and he sighed as he moved to see if she was okay.

“Dani is everything okay?” the vampire asked as he slowly approached her, he wrapped his arms around her making the brunette close her eyes as she tried to wrap her head around what had just happened; she cuddled into Gerard’s arms as the baby nudged again. #

“I want to eat the bacon rare,” Daniella murmured softly making Gerard look at her, he chuckled softly as he realised that she was coming into her pregnancy cravings; he carefully pulled back glad that he had brought a lot of red meat in for this.

Cristina had warned him that the brunette might become a little more interested in meat that was rare cooked while she was pregnant; it was something to do with their baby and would carry over when Daniella was fully turned into a vampire.

“It’s okay, it’s just a craving,” Gerard said as he wrinkled his nose as he moved to get rid of the bacon, he knew what her body wanted and he knew that the bacon wouldn’t be able to give it to her.


Daniella looked at her fiancé as he placed a steak in front of her, she furrowed her brow wondering why she couldn’t have just had the bacon that he had put into the bin; he smiled at her as he pushed the rare steak towards her.

“Gerard I’m not eating that… it’s rare and I can smell the blood in it,” Daniella said looking at him, she felt her stomach rubble as if begging her to eat the steak; she swallowed as she tried to ignore the feelings that it brought about.

Gerard watched her seeing that she was trying to resist, she was going to have to get used to these cravings especially since she only had fourteen weeks of her pregnancy left; vampire pregnancies lasted half of that of a human pregnancy because of how fast the baby’s grew inside of their mothers.

“Just try it amor… you’re starting to pale again,” Gerard said making Daniella sigh as she looked at him, she knew that if she didn’t try it then he’d make her drink blood again; she watched him for a moment as he raised an eyebrow at her.

Gerard sighed as he pressed a kiss to her head and left her alone, he doubted that she wanted him watching her as she tried out her new diet; he knew that she wasn’t used to this and it would take her some time to adjust.


Daniella glanced at Gerard as she stepped out of the kitchen, she hated to admit that he had been right about giving her the steak; she licked her lips as she walked over to him, the vampire smiled at her as he pulled her into his arms.

“You look better,” Gerard said knowing that he would have to find a way to make sure that she was including blood in her diet; the baby had started to take blood from its mother and if that continued then Daniella was going to be in trouble.

“I feel better,” Daniella said softly as she moved closer to her vampire, she knew that he was trying to help her even if she resisted as much as she did; the brunette closed her eyes as she rested her head on Gerard’s chest, she knew that this wasn’t easy for either of them.

“We’ll have to keep an eye on your blood intake… I don’t want the baby taking what it needs from your body like it did today,” Gerard said as he pulled back from his fiancée, he rested a hand on her small bump; he knew that the baby was getting stronger and he worried what the baby would be capable of as it got stronger.

Daniella nodded her head as she looked at him, she knew that she needed to think of what her baby needed, she couldn’t believe that she was going to be a mother; she wasn’t the only person in the coven to fall pregnant and she knew that Carla was going to have it a lot easier for her since she had already been turned.

“It’ll be okay,” Gerard said knowing that she was thinking about Cesc and Carla’s pregnancy, they had announced it last week that Carla was two weeks into her pregnancy and it was clear that it was playing on Daniella’s mind.

“I know… I was just thinking about how much easier this all would have been if I was a vampire,” Daniella said making Gerard sigh, he knew that David and Patricia were holding off on their own announcement since they were also expecting another child.

They didn’t want to add any more pressure to the brunette, they were expecting their third child in January and they knew that this would be their last; most vampire couples had three children and most stopped after that point.

“Dani, you’ll be fine I won’t let anything happen to you… I’m turning you after the baby is born anyway,” Gerard said knowing that his mate wouldn’t survive the birth if he didn’t, the baby would come out one way to the other and he hoped that it wouldn’t cause too much trouble for Daniella.

“So between me, Carla and Patricia… that’s three baby vampires all born in the same year,” Daniella mused as she tried to ease her mind and change the subject, she rolled her eyes knowing that Gerard hadn’t expected her to know that Patricia was expecting next month and she knew that this was only the start for the coven especially if Katie fell pregnant soon.

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