Chapter Forty-Six: Being Called Up

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Gerard ran a hand through his hair as he finished showering and moved to get dressed so that he could head home to his fiancée and son; he had been so busy recently and he felt on edge.

Ever since the announcement of a war coming, Gerard had been waiting for a letter to arrive that would mean that he was being called up; there was no way around it and he would fight with honour.

Gerard looked over at David, Cesc and Lionel and offered them a small smile; he knew that this wasn’t easy for any of them, David had Zaida, Olaya and Luca, Cesc had recently welcomed Lia into the world and Lionel was expecting a baby in a couple of months.

The entire coven was on edge and none of them would be relaxing until this war was over, the hunters were a threat and Gerard didn’t know what to expect anymore.

David shot Gerard a look that made his heart pound, he moved over to his locker and ripped the door open to reveal a letter inside; his hands shook as he looked around, none of the human’s noticed the tension in the room as he slowly opened the letter.

Gerard swallowed as his worst fears came to life, he was being called up and there was no delaying his deployment; he had no idea how he was going to tell Daniella that this had happened.

The couple were planning their wedding for 25th of July and that clearly wasn’t going to happen; Gerard would be deployed on the 1st of that month and he was expected to fight for the clans.

Resting his head against the cool metal of his locker, he wondered how he would tell Daniella; she had been hoping that this wouldn’t happen and in five weeks’ time he would be heading off to battle.

Gerard took a deep breath as he looked back at the other male members of his coven, clearly he wasn’t the only member being called upon and they had a big problem.


Daniella closed her eyes as she sat in the middle of the living room floor, it had been two weeks since the council meeting and two weeks since she had discovered that she was talented.

Daniella was slowly learning to control her newly developed telekinesis, she was determined to make sure that the incident that she had caused at the council meeting wasn’t going to happen again.

Henri was down for a nap and Gerard would be home soon from training, he was supportive of her training and was doing what he could to help her.

Daniella heard the front door open and close as Gerard arrived home, she opened her brown eyes as she felt something odd through their connection; it didn’t feel right and she didn’t like it.

Daniella pushed herself to her feet as she turned to look at her mate, she almost whimpered at the look on his face as something unsettled her stomach; her eyes caught on the letter in his hands almost broke her.

Daniella carefully stepped back and sat down on the couch, she was suddenly glad that their son was sleeping so that he didn’t have to witness this.

“I’m sorry,” Gerard whispered as he looked at his mate, he hated that this was happening and he was going to have to do this; they had both known that it was coming just not so soon.

Daniella ran a hand through her hair as she thought about what was going to happen; Gerard carefully sat beside his fiancée wanting nothing more than to comfort her.

“When do you leave?” Daniella whispered as she tried to keep calm, she couldn’t believe that Gerard was going to war and it made her fear how much time they had together left.

“I deploy on the 1st of July,” Gerard whispered as he watched Daniella, this wasn’t easy and he wished that there was some easy way to make this easier for her.

Daniella nodded her head, she couldn’t help but whimper as she realised they wouldn’t be getting married until he came back from war; if he came back at all.

“I want to move up the wedding Daniella… I want you as my wife before I have to leave,” Gerard said as he reached out and took Daniella’s hand, he smiled at her softly as he hoped that she would agree.

Daniella stared at her mate as his words hung in the air, she blinked as she thought about what he had said; she nodded slowly as she realised that she couldn’t let him leave without being his wife.

“Of course,” Daniella said as she blinked back tears, she felt like her world was slowly crumbling and she wished that she had something to fix this; it wasn’t going to be easy and everything seemed to be snowballing.

Gerard smiled as he pressed a kiss to her lips, in the next five weeks she would become his wife and he couldn’t wait.


Gerard walked into the nursery and smiled at Henri, his chest aching as he thought about what had happened that day; he still couldn’t believe that he was leaving for battle in a couple of weeks.

The vampire carefully picked his son up and cuddled him close, he feared what would come and he was already preparing to move Daniella and Henri out of the apartment and into the coven house to be safe.

They were targets and he wasn’t going to risk their safety while he was away fighting, Gerard would do anything for them and this was his plan to protect them.

“I love you so much,” Gerard whispered as he held Henri close, his eyes adjusting to the dark of the room and he wished that he knew what was going to happen.

Henri tilted his head confused at his father’s distress, he was only seven weeks old and it was clear that this wasn’t going to be hard on him when he was gone.

“I’m going to come back to you and your madre,” Gerard promised as he tried to stay calm, he loved his son and he would do anything to see him grow up; he needed to see that and he was going to fight for that.

Daniella watched them from the door way, none of this was easy and she was sure that Gerard was going to come home to them.

Daniella quietly stepped into the room and walked towards her mate and son, she had been taken from Gerard once and she feared that maybe destiny was trying to take him this time.

Daniella didn’t think that she would be able to cope if she lost Gerard, she loved her son but it wasn’t going to be enough to keep her going without him; she didn’t think that she was strong enough.

Brushing her fingers through Henri’s hair, Daniella smiled up weakly at Gerard as she tried to control herself; she didn’t want to break down and cry right now.

“It’ll be okay Dani,” Gerard whispered as he watched his mate, he wished that there was something that he could do to make this all easier on her; this wasn’t going to hurt her and he was determined to make sure that Daniella and Henri was going to be okay.

Daniella nodded her head as she looked up at Gerard, things weren’t going to be easy and the next few weeks, months and years were all going to be an upward battle for the couple.

“I love you,” Daniella whispered as she kissed his lips, she wanted nothing more than for him to come home safe; Gerard meant everything to her and Henri needed his father.

“I love you too,” Gerard replied as he held his family close, he was going to come back to them no matter what it took.

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