Chapter Thirty-Nine: The First Hunt

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Daniella raised an eyebrow at Patricia as the older vampiress talked her through hunting again, she knew that the older woman was trying to help but she didn’t understand why they had to come to a night club.

The brunette had been a little disappointed that she hadn’t been able to have Gerard to herself, but he had promised that he would see her later on when she returned; he was hunting with the boys in a different part of town.

“Okay, so I compel the guy to get him on his own, when I’m sure no one is watching I drink from him, but only enough to knock him unconscious then I leave,” Daniella said making Patricia nod at her; they eyed her for a moment making the brunette bit her lip nervously.

Daniella kept forgetting how sharp her canines were now and had bitten through her lip on more than one occasion in the last hour; Patricia flashed her, a reassuring smile before she nodded at the club-goers around them.

She had brought Daniella to a busy club knowing that this would be easy for her to find her first prey here, however so far it had been difficult to get the brunette to find someone that she wanted to drink from.

Taking a deep breath, Daniella slipped away from Patricia; she knew that the older vampiress would be keeping a close eye on her in case she did slip up and accidently kill someone.

Daniella was wearing the blue cowl neck blouse and black skinny jeans paired with black faux suede ankle boots that Gerard has chosen for her; she knew that she had to look the part if she wanted to be successful, which was easier said than done.

Resting her arms against the bar, she tried to remember anything about she had been told about alluring someone to come to her; Daniella hadn’t liked the idea but she had no other ideas on how to find someone to feed off.

“Hola what’s a pretty girl like yourself doing here alone?” a man asked as he approached Daniella, she licked her lips as she felt the burning in her throat; she had never flirted successfully in her life and doubted it would be programmed into becoming a vampire.

“Hola and who says I’m alone?” Daniella quirked, making the man chuckle as he leant against the bar next to her; his eyes watching her contently as if lost in a trance.

Daniella wasn’t sure how it happened but she soon found herself alone with him and she was very aware that she had lost track of Patricia in doing so.

Running her tongue down the man’s neck, Daniella felt the pulse of his heart beating as she gently racked her canines down it; she’d find the others later, right now she needed something to sooth monster inside.


Licking the last of the blood away from her lips, Daniella looked at her most recent victim who was unconscious; he was her third one of the night and she was surprised that she hadn’t slipped up yet.

Running a hand through her hair, Daniella’s thoughts turned to tracking down Patricia, she had a feeling her little disappearing act had meant that the other vampiress would have panicked and called Gerard; she felt a little guilty that she hadn’t gone to find her earlier.

The sudden sound of someone clapping made the brunette pause before she turned to see a blonde male vampire watching her; his blue eyes were trained on her as he carefully stepped out of the shadows.

“I must say I am impressed… forgive the intrusion but I’ve never seen a newborn handle herself in such a way,” the vampire said as he approached her; Daniella watched him warily as he stopped a few feet from her, she knew that he couldn’t be trusted and she wished now that she hadn’t wondered off alone.

“I am Marc van Sciver,” he said holding out a hand for Daniella to take, she frowned as she noticed a female vampire waiting a few feet back that didn’t seem pleased that he was talking to her; she glanced between the two wondering if they were mates.

“Daniella Tanis,” Daniella said as she introduced herself, she knew that she was going to have to take her parents name and since she wasn’t married to Gerard yet; she would take his name when she was.

Carefully she took Marc’s hand allowing him to press a kiss to it, she knew that he was being polite but she’d preferred if Gerard kissing her; it felt wrong to have another man touch her like that.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Daniella,” Marc purred as his female companion frowned at the interaction, the brunette’s last name was a dead giveaway as to who she was and she worried that they weren’t just messing with the creator’s daughter.

However a warning snarl stopped Marc from saying anymore, his blue eyes focusing on a very unhappy male vampire that appeared from the shadows; he smirked softly as he released Daniella’s hand as she stepped back away from him.

Gerard pressed a hand gently to Daniella’s back as he stopped next to her, his eyes focused angrily on Marc van Sciver; who seemed to enjoy the look of annoyance on Gerard’s face at the thought of him being near his mate.

“Lord Bernabeu, how nice to see you again,” Marc said as his eyes glanced at Daniella, who relaxed at Gerard’s touch; it was clear that she was his mate and wasn’t someone to be messed with however hat didn’t mean that he wouldn’t try.

“Van Sciver what do I owe the pleasure,” Gerard said tightly as David and Cesc slipped into view, the two seemed relieved that they had been able to find Daniella after she had disappeared from her hunting trip with Patricia.

“I was just admiring your newborn mate, such a wondrous thing to watch hunting alone… so much more skill than either you nor I possessed when we were first turned,” Marc said as he stepped towards Gerard, who gently pushed Daniella slightly behind him.

Gerard didn’t like that Marc was suddenly interested in his mate, he knew that whatever he wanted that it couldn’t be good.

Pulling his top lip back over his teeth, Gerard hissed warningly as Marc’s eyes stayed focused on Daniella; the blonde vampire chuckled as he looked at Gerard knowing that he was getting under his skin.

“I mean you no harm Gerard… I was simple admiring your mate’s hunting,” Marc said making Daniella shift nervously, she had a feeling that she’d hear about this later for not staying with Patricia.

“I’ll see you both at the ball next month,” Marc said as if realising that Gerard wasn’t going to play nice, he had a feeling that he’d gotten under the skin of the other vampire.

“Daniella, it was a pleasure to meet you,” Marc said before moving to join his female vampire companion, who seemed relieved that they were leaving now; Gerard watched them leave before nodding at David and Cesc, who disappeared back into the shadows.

“You okay?” Gerard asked making Daniella look at him and nod, she watched him for a moment as he fished his car keys out of his pocket.

“We’ll talk about this back home,” he murmured making the brunette look at him, she watched him for a second before she allowed him to led her back to his car; she had a feeling that this was going to be a long talk when they reached their home. 

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