Chapter 10

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Not edited.


"Hannah! Stop taking things out of the suitcases!"

Finally he was packing. Sorting through the mountain of things considered necessary had taken six days. He laughed at himself for listening to people. Now after everything had been decided on he was battling with Hannah to leave suitcases alone.

"I want my princess dress!"

"Sweetheart if you keep taking it out then you won't have it when we go away."

Hannah stood in her three year old defiant but curious stance "Why?"

"It will have have to stay to be washed."


"Because we can't put dirty clothes in with the clean ones."


"Because that will make all the the other clothes dirty and smelly."


Ethan looked at his daughter trying to work out how to stop this and coming up with nothing. Yep, it was official, he was losing his mind because of a toddler.

"Hannah why don't you go and pick three small toys to take with us?"


Ethan threw his hands up in the air "aaaaah!"

There was laughter. He looked up to see four people at the door laughing at him. Crossing to the door he scowled at them "Don't laugh at me. She's... she's..." He let them in and locked the door again.

"Exaspersting?" Alpha Paul offered.

"Infuriating?" Luna chimed in.

"Annoying?" Majorie laughed.

"I got nothing" West said with a smile "but I hear that it's normal."

Ethan scowled at them all as Hannah skipped down the hallway to her room.

"I love her. I really do but then..."

Paul walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder "Welcome to fatherhood. It only gets worse."

"It couldn't!"

For the next few minutes they all stood making fun of all the things that drive parents to the brink of insanity. Ethan kept shaking his head with a look of horror in his eyes.

"No, no, no,no... stop! Just let me wallow in my misery without adding anything else."

They all laughed at him as they pushed him to the kitchen.

"I'm making coffee." Marjorie stated.

"I brought cake." Clarice said.

"Cake!" a small voice from afar yelled as they heard footsteps running to the kitchen and a newly dressed Princess Hannah emerged at the door. Ethan shook his head and smiled as he went over to her and did up the button at the back of her neck.

"Ok Hannah. I'll wash this tonight but no more wearing it until we get Australia... Ok?"

"Ok Daddy." She went to the table and in a very unlady-like way climbed up at the table.

"Could I have cake please?" Her brown eyes suckered in them all as they awwed at her.

They chatted comfortably for a while before Hannah had finished her cake that was apparently "shoclate yummy".

"Hey sweetheart why don't you go and play in your room? I can hear a doll crying, I think they miss you."

"oh no" she scrambled down from her chair and raced to her room.

Finding Janella - Book 2 - Completed and editing.Where stories live. Discover now