Chapter 13

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A month later...

       "Morning mom, gotta go or I'm going to be late!" Catalina says as she heads for the front door, her mind occupied by all of the things she has to do today. 

         "Cat, wait! I have to tell you something dear." Maire said, a little nervous and sad. 

       "What's wrong mom? Is everyone ok? What's going on?" Catalina asked after she saw her mother's face.  

         "Well Mr. Davidson called and...they were told that they were told that they had to do some cut-backs and...he said to tell you that against his wishes and better judgment...they had to let you go. He didn't have the heart to tell you so asked me if I could for him. I'm so sorry baby girl." Maire finished with sadness in her eyes. Even though she use to pester her about quitting, she felt for her because she knew how much she loved her job.  

         "Wait a minute...what?" Catalina couldn't believe what her mom just told her. Her heart dropped and everything got blurry. "Oh my God. I can't...I...I'm fired?"  

       "I know I use to get on you about it baby but I'm so sorry that they had to let you go. I know for a fact that they didn't want to love." Maire said as she pulled her into a tight hug.  

       "But...what am I going to do now mom?" Catalina asked unable to wrap her brain around what happened. 

       "Well.....Don't say anything but think about this love. You can always go to college now like you wanted to. What was that you wanted to go for? Wait, I remember now, Creative Writing for Entertainment. If you ever needed a sign I do believe this is it." Maire said. 

       "I'll have to think about it mom. You may be right on this but I just can't right now. Give me a little time to think about this." Catalina said as she tried to get over her shock about losing her job.  

       "Look at it this way too love. I know your mind is on those children right now and there was nothing said about you not being able to still stop by to see them..." Maire said, already knowing what was weighing most heavily on her. 

     "You're right mom." Was all Catalina could say at that moment. I don't have a job anymore, she thought as she tried her best to process everything. She excused herself and went up to her room to call Jantrece. She just couldn't go over and face her yet but she needed to talk to her about everything. As soon as Jantrece picks up, Catalina rushes in telling her everything that has happened, needing to get it off her chest. After talking it out to her best friend and calming her down from yelling and wanting to go and beat someone up then inviting Hayden and her to come by Saturday, Catalina got off the phone feeling a tad better.


       Catalina spent so much time in her room the next day trying to plan out her next step and texting Kerian that before she knew it, it was Saturday. By the time she made it downstairs everything was cooked and the table was set. Catalina's eyes got bit when it landed on the amount of food her mom had prepared. Wonder what the special occasion is, she thought to herself as she took everything in. There was cheesy delicious looking grits, sausage links, bacon, toast, waffles, fruit salad, fluffy eggs, biscuits, and sausage gravy. Just the sight of all of that food made Catalina's stomach queasy and before she knew it she went running to the bathroom. After emptying possibly everything she had consumed for the past few days, she stands at the mirror cleaning herself up. Just great! The last thing I need right now is to be getting sick, she said to herself as she finished up and left the bathroom just in time to see her family coming in.  

       "You ok baby girl?" Maire asked with concern in her eyes. 

       "Yeah mom. Just coming down with something on top of everything else." Catalina said. 

       "Well, honey. Don't stress. You know stressing only makes you sick too so maybe that's what it is." With that being said, Maire went to see what Brian wanted with her. Soon enough, all was forgotten as everyone else made it and was sitting at the table. As conversation started among the adults, in the mist of fixing their plates, Jack noticed that all Catalina had on her plate was fruit salad. 

       "You feeling ok baby girl? You're not trying to diet again are you? I told you that you are beautiful the way you are." Jack said staring intently at Catalina. 

       "She's not feeling so good today love. She's been stressing and we know how she gets when she stresses." Maire said before Catalina could say anything.  

       "Well, I may know something that helps my girl not stress so much. Was going to wait but I feel I'm around the right people to say this to. I'm pregnant!" Jantrece said excitedly.  

       "Oh my God! What?! Oh my God! How long have you known? When did you find out? How far along are you?" Catalina rushed out, forgetting all about earlier that morning. 

       "Whoa! Slow down there sis. You just sounded like Trecey here with the questions and the last thing we need is two of you." Claire said jokingly as she giggled.  

       "Congratulations Jantrece. From one preggo to another I can truly say I'm happy to not be going this" Claire then said with a big smile on her face.  

       "Ha! You know my girl alright! She needs to act like me more anyway, hehehe. I took a pregnancy test last week and it was positive but didn't want to say until I got results from the doctor. I went yesterday and I'm about 6 weeks pregnant. Anymore questions twinny?" Jantrece asked Catalina with a big grin on her face.  

       "Hahaha! No, I'm good for now. I'm so freaking excited! Wait, Does Nick know yet?" Catalina asked in a rush. 

       "No! And you better not tell him or I will sit on you and you can't do anything about it because I'm pregnant! I'll tell him when he gets home. I want it to be a surprise."  

       "Claire, are you ok?" Keith suddenly asked. When all eyes turned to Claire she had her face scrunched up in a pained look and was gently panting. After the pain subsided, she was able to talk. 

       "Ummmm...I think I'm in labor." Claire said with her eyes wide in amazement and surprise.

       Hiiii all! Worked hard on this chapter so hope yall like it. Will be working or trying to work on another this week too so keep a look out for more! Once again thank yall sooooooo much for being understanding and waiting on me with this and just know that I greatly appreciate it all!


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