Curves For The Cowboy

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Catalina woke up to the morning sun shining in her face as she prepared to start the day. She got up early this morning to relieve her mother of cooking breakfast for everyone. Catalina may have been just twenty-two years old but she had the soul of someone older. She also knew that her brother and sister were bringing their family over for the Family Breakfast that they had every other saturday. She had bacon frying in the pan as she cracked eggs to be scrambled. 

"What smells so good in here?" Maire asked as she came in the kitchen. Even though Maire Montgomery had three children, a person could never tell just by looking at her. She was a beautiful woman and small in size and stature with caramel-colored skin and medium-length black hair with very little grey showing. Her oldest, David, was happily married to his high school sweetheart, Natalia, with two children. Then there was Claire, who's married to Keith McBride and expecting their first child. That only left Catalina who's very shy and still lives at home with her parents. 

"I thought that you needed a little more rest so I started cooking breakfast. I hope you don't mind." Catalina took the bacon out of one frying pan and added the eggs to another. 

"I don't mind at all!" Maire said as she chuckled. 

"Good." Catalina smiled. 

"Did you know that someone finally moved into that house across the street?" Maire asked as she started toasting bread. 

"No mom When did they move in?" 

"They moved in yesterday. About time someone bought that house. It's too beautiful to go to waste." Catalina agreed with her mother on that as they continued their task of making breakfast for the family. 

"Do you know who it is yet?" 

"No but maybe it is someone you can become friends with.You really should get out more and have a little fun." 

"I do get out mom. I read to the children at the library every Tuesday and I work at the day-care center regularly too. That is enough fun for me." Catalina knew that her mom wanted her to get out more because she was self-conscious about the way she looked. She was always labeled the fat girl all through school. 

"You need more fun than that!" As her mom was getting started on the subject, her dad walked in. 

"Leave her alone Maire-bear. Today's not the day to start on the subject again." Even though Jack Montgomery was a big muscular man, he was sweet as a teddybear. He was fair-skined with blond hair and was still just as sexy as he was when he was younger. He came up behind Maire and lovingly kissed her on the neck. At that moment the rest of the family came into the house. 

"Get a room you two!" David laughingly said as he came through the door.He was a younger version of his dad and just as handsome. 

"Breakfast is almost ready everyone." Catalina said as she continued to scramble and fry the last of the eggs and bacon. Her mother had already made a stack of her famous waffles and was now setting the table. 

"Set out another plate, Mrs. Montgomery. I hope you don't mind but I invited a friend to join us for breakfast this morning. He just moved into town and is staying in the house across the street from you." 

"Oh my! I don't mind at all! I was just telling Cat that I wondered who stayed there." Maire got so excited about meeting the new neighbor. 

"Is he married? Have a girlfriend?" 

"He is not married and hasn't a girlfriend since the last time I have seen him, Mrs. Montgomery, and I think it will be just him staying there." It took only a moment before Keith realized why she asked that. He instantly felt sorry for Catalina as he saw the reaction on her face to her mother's questions. 

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