Chapter 14

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"Did you find him yet?"

"No boss but, we may have a lead on where he's been hiding out this whole time. We're heading there now to check everything out."

"Keep me informed on what you find out."

"No worries boss, we got you covered. He wont be getting away this time."

"He better not or I'll have your head instead"

"We wont fail you, boss."

"Good." They hung up the phone before anything else could be said and, sat there hating the very day they ever met Agent Peterson. Because of him, their father was dead.

"You may think you tricked us by faking your death but, I know the truth. Soon, your death will become very real and, I can't wait for that to happen." They said out loud as they balled their fist, pure hatred and anger washing over them.


"Come on in! Everyone is out on the patio." Maire said as she ushered in more guests.

"Geez mom, did you invite the whole dang town?!" Catalina groaned as she took in how packed their back yard was.

"Hey, only the best for my new grandson." Maire said with a chuckle as she double-checked to make sure that everything was ready.

"Mom, you checked all of that three times already. It's all ready. We have enough food to feed a freaking army." Catalina said with a glare. She was not in a party mood today but, she knew she had to be there. It wasn't that she wasn't happy to have a new little nephew to spoil, she just couldn't get out of the funk she had been in since losing her job. She was still trying to figure out what to do and, avoiding the idea of using this time to go to school for writing. She wanted to be a writer so bad but still had doubts on if she was even good enough.

"Oh, hush now. Go on outside and mingle with the guests. I'm sure that Jantrece or Kerian is out there somewhere. Seems those are the only ones I see you with lately. I swear, I wish you would find a nice boy to settle down with or at least get with that Kerian. Y'all are already friends so it shouldn't be too hard to see if you can make something of that. You know what, I promise to stop meddling sooooo...... I'll stop tomorrow. Give Kerian a try. I see how you look at him when you think no one sees you." Maire said without taking much of a breath. Before she could say anything else, Catalina glared at her.

"Ok ok, I'm done then but, just think about it, ok?" Maire said in a last attempt to get her to listen. Catalina huffed in frustration and walked outside. She found a quiet corner to sit in as she watched everyone walking around and catching up with each other's daily lives. As she almost fell back in deep thought on what to do, she felt someone gently bump into her.

"What are you thinking about?" Kerian asked as he stared into her eyes.

"Nothing important." She said as she looked away, not wanting him to see the truth.

"You do know that I can still tell youre lying even when you look away, right? I know you, KittyCat. Go ahead and tell me what's going on or I'll have to punish you tonight." Kerian said as he slowly looked her up and down.

"Ugh, ok. I'm thinking about maybe getting a degree in writing, but I don't think I'm good enough for that." Catalina says as she blushes. She didn't want to be punished later for not saying anything.

"I think you should baby, I secretly read your books. You're great at what you do, and I'll always be your number one fan." Kerian says as he smiles at her.

"You really think so? Like honestly?" She asked with a big smile on her face. She felt touched and excited to know that he, not only read her books, but that he thought she was good enough to be a writer.

"I wouldn't dare lie to you, KittyCat. I'll always be here to support you as well. I care a lot about you, more than you know..." Before Kerian could say anymore, they were interrupted.

"Oh, there you are, you sexy man-beast!" Vivienne said as she came closer to them. Catalina inwardly groaned as she saw her trying to push her fake breasts even higher.

"My mom just HAD to invite that thing too." She mumbled. She started blushing as she heard Kerian chuckle, not knowing that he heard her.

"Hi Cat, darling. I just came to take this yummy piece of man candy off of your hands for a bit. I know it must have been hard to form any kind of sentence around him. Our Cat is so innocent that it's kind of cute." Vivienne said as she worked to lead Kerian away. Catalina glared at her fading back hard, killing her several ways in her mind.

Hi everyone! Sooooooo, I know that it's been a while but I'm trying to get back into everything. Lol, thank my new best friend for this because she has really been motivating me to get back into the game and that's what I'm working on doing. Hope to have more chapters out soon and thank y'all so much for your loyalty and your patience with me! Love each of you!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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