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We have reached the end of this journey! Thank you for reading this story or for coming back to reread it!! As stated before, this draft was mostly to clean up scenes and my writing style. The sequel may have some more major changes, so stayed tuned!!!

Here's the summary:

Flames of Divinity

After two months, Ashton is still haunted by his father's death and Samuel's murder and struggles to focus on his goal. To make matters worse, he keeps having dreams about the glowing winged figure repeating the same phrase: Protect the Savior.

Beatrice has grown confident in her ability to control her fire magic. With Julian's ongoing training, she has also become better at wielding a sword. But she's beginning to grow suspicious of Julian's constant disappearances and the string of deaths that seem to accompany.

So, when Ashton nearly meets his fate at the hands of Infernum cantivat, Beatrice awakens another power whilst rescuing him. They realize their connection may be deeper than they originally believed. There also may just be something far more sinister about Infernum cantivat than merely being a group of criminals.

What do you think?! 

Who was your favorite character? 

You're always free to ask me anything about this book or about the second one! I am looking forward to getting started on it. I'll keep you updated once I get closer to that point. Thanks again, everyone!

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