Chapter Forty-Five

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Rather than going back inside as she had originally wanted, Beatrice headed for her favorite spot in the garden—the bench in front of the fountain. She plopped onto it, folded her hands in her lap, and took a deep breath. She noted the slight tremble in her breath and she groaned.

"What is bothering you, my dear princess?"

Beatrice furrowed her brows and glanced up to find Julian walking toward her, smirking. She rolled her eyes and said, "It is none of your concern, my infuriating peasant."

Julian halted in his tracks and hissed through his teeth. "That almost hurt." He chuckled and sat close enough for her to get a whiff of saltwater.

She suddenly missed Solis and its beautiful beach. Perhaps they could go tonight.

"If I had to guess," Julian continued, rubbing his chin, "it has to do with a certain brown-eyed squire?"

Beatrice gaped at him.

Julian sighed. "I always knew those freckles were deceiving. You can never trust an innocent face like that, Your Highness." He moved his hand and gently gripped her chin instead. "I made that mistake with you."

Beatrice growled under her breath and smacked his hand away. He laughed, of course, and she shook her head.

"You are such an imbecile," she scolded, brushing a strand a hair behind her ear.

"And yet..." Julian inched even closer and tilted his head. "You can't resist me."

Beatrice put her hand on his chest, snarling up at him. "Oh, please. Do not flatter yourself." But as he continued smirking at her like he could read her every thought, her twitching lips betrayed her.

However, that slight elation faded as soon as her thoughts reverted to Ashton. She lowered her shoulders and looked away. "There is something wrong with Ashton," she whispered. "He is being accused of murder."

Julian stepped back. "Ashton?" Then he burst into laughter.

Beatrice folded her arms across her chest. "Why is that humorous to you?"

Julian clutched his stomach and continued to laugh a moment longer. Once he finally regained himself (and right before Beatrice lost her patience), he sharply inhaled and grinned at her. "Ashton wouldn't even harm a fly. Either someone is framing him or he is trying to protect someone."

"Joseph Whitman," Beatrice breathed.


"Of course. If a murder did take place, Ashton had nothing to do with it. However, his friend could have. Ashton is the kind of person who would carry the blame for someone he cares about." That was why he had acted strangely earlier. He hadn't meant to offend her. Perhaps he thought it was best to push her away instead.

"How did I not think of that before?" Beatrice grabbed Julian's hand and pulled him closer. "I suppose you are not so much of an imbecile." She kissed him swiftly on the lips.

He immediately leaned into it as if expecting more. She giggled and moved her head away.

"That will have to suffice for now," she purred, meeting his eyes again.

Julian frowned. "What are you going to do?"

Beatrice traced his lower lip with her forefinger. "I promised Ashton we would always be friends. I believe a good friend would help the other during a dire circumstance." She released Julian and rose from the bench. "First, I am going to discover who this Joseph is. Then I am going to punish him senselessly until he confesses his crime. I will not allow Ashton to take the fall for him. As you mentioned, he wouldn't even harm a fly." Besides, Ashton knew her secret and she knew his. That was a bond that could not be easily broken, especially when they were—presumably—the only ones like this.

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