Chapter Seven

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Joseph hadn't quit laughing since they left the castle. And he showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. They entered their room together. Ashton lingered by the door, eyeing his bag at the foot of his bed. It was the last day of the week, and he couldn't wait to go home.

"And to think," Joseph continued, "I didn't even want to go to that meeting! Who knew our princess was so entertaining?" He chuckled some more.

Richard sighed. "It wasn't that funny, Joe."

"Oh, come on!" Joseph turned toward Ashton and nudged him, bumping him into the dresser. "It was funny, right, Ward?"

Ashton narrowed his eyes at him. "No, actually, it wasn't."

"What?" Joseph scoffed, shaking his head. "You two have no sense of humor."

"What is so funny about someone standing up for the rights of others? And anyway, she's only thirteen. Give her a break."

Joseph flashed him his usual crooked grin. "You're soft on her because you have to be."

"Or maybe Ashton is not as much of an ass as you are," Richard jested.

Joseph responded by laughing again.

"Excuse me," Ashton heard Marco from behind.

Ashton and Joseph moved aside, allowing him inside. Marco made a beeline for his bed and snatched his bag from underneath. He immediately left without wishing them well or making eye-contact with any of them. In fact, he always opted against speaking with them unless he had to. Dante had left a little over a year ago, something about needing to get away from, "this chaos." They had an empty bed again, but Captain Alvarez made no efforts to fill it this time.

Ashton wondered if that had contributed to Marco's silence. Those two had gotten along well, better than they had with Ashton, Joseph (especially Joseph), and Richard. Nonetheless, Ashton sometimes envied Marco for that—for keeping to himself. Although, he supposed he needed to be grateful that he had friends here.

Just like father wanted.

"Off to see Dante again," Joseph teased, staring after Marco. "I know you still write to him."

Ashton resisted rolling his eyes. He went ahead and picked up his own bag.

"Where're you going?" questioned Joseph.

"I am going home," Ashton mumbled. "As I do every weekend."

"How about you don't this weekend?"

Ashton snickered. "My mother is expecting me soon."

"Oh, she will survive one weekend without you." Joseph walked up to him and patted him hard on the back. "Spend time with Richard and me this weekend. We always have fun at the tavern." He glanced over his shoulder. "Don't we, Rick?"

"Sure," Richard answered, plopping himself on his bed. He pointed at Joseph. "And don't call me that ever again. Richard sounds more grown-up."

"The tavern is right next to my home," said Ashton.

"Oh, no." Joseph waved him off. "We don't go to the one here in town. The best one is a few towns over—in Lolitus. You ever been?"

"No, but I know exactly where that is. We've passed it many times on our way to our holiday manor."

"Your family has a separate manor?"

Ashton rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged. "It isn't as elaborate as you may think."

"Hmph." Joseph turned away and sat down on the edge of his bed. "Well, then you're familiar with the area, so it will not feel too strange. Join us—oh, come on! Stop with that face." Ashton quickly softened his features and looked down.

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