Chapter Forty-Four

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Captain Alvarez's study was located on the sixth floor of the building—a wide room in the center of the corridor that required two doors. It had a golden plaque and everything.

Ashton had never been inside or anywhere near it until now.

Alvarez opened one of the doors for him and swung his arm inside, allowing Ashton to enter first. Ashton hugged himself and dragged his feet closer. The entire room seemed to be a single shade of mahogany in the form of wooden furniture and walls.

At least there was a spider plant in the corner. Although, that splash of green and white hardly changed anything.

Great Holy Deity.

The interior of the study was irrelevant. Paying attention to the little details helped prevent his heartbeat from pounding even faster, though.

Ashton couldn't quit shaking. It was sticky and warm outside, and he shivered like it was the middle of a gelid snowstorm.

"Have a seat, Ashton," Alvarez instructed, closing the door behind them.

Ashton glanced at the set of cushioned chairs in front of the bulky wooden desk. Alvarez moved around him, took his seat, and stared up at Ashton—waiting. Ashton swallowed hard and pushed onward. He fell into the chair on the right and clutched the armrests like they would somehow protect him from this situation.

"Before I get started," said Alvarez, shuffling a few documents into a leather folder, "I would like to mention that I know your heart is and has always been in the right place. I've known you for eight years now and you've never once given me any reason to question you."

Ashton took a trembling breath. "What... what is this, this about, sir?"

Alvarez sighed and folded his hands in front of him. "First, I would like to ask you: do you know who Samuel Montgomery is?"

Ashton choked back his squeal. "I, I... oh, Samuel. Yes. Well, I know a Samuel, but I..." he shook his head. "I am unsure of his surname."

"Hmm. He was found dead in an alley in Lolitus."


"Yes. A real tragedy for his family. I've heard his mother has locked herself away."

Ashton gulped and blinked hard, images of Samuel lying on the ground flashing through his head. He shifted in his seat.

"Are you alright?" Alvarez asked him.

"Pardon me," Ashton apologized. "I, I don't understand what... why are you telling me this?"

Alvarez frowned and leaned closer. "Listen, Ashton, I know you wouldn't hurt anyone. You couldn't unless the person posed a threat, and you were protecting someone else."

Ashton lowered his gaze to the white fur rug beside his feet and lightly scraped his fingernails against the ends of the armrests.

"Where were you last night, Ashton?" Alvarez asked, no animosity in his tone. "With Joseph, correct? The guards informed me that they had let the two of you out."

"We couldn't sleep," said Ashton. "We... we went for, for a ride."

"A ride?"

Ashton nodded.


"We, we merely went out there." Ashton pointed to his right and quickly dropped his hand before Alvarez could see it shaking. "Out in the fields. Then... then we came back."

"And the two of you did not go anywhere else?" Alvarez pressed.

Ashton wildly shook his head. "No."

"You did not go anywhere near Lolitus."

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