Chapter Thirty-Five

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Beatrice slept in longer than usual the following morning. She needed her rest since she planned to meet with Julian again. Her mother didn't seem to care either, considering she hadn't sent for Jeanette to come fetch her. However, that didn't come as a surprise.

Beatrice eventually forced herself out of bed, figuring she had to begin her day at some point. She had the guard posted near her bedchamber send for Jeanette. Her handmaid arrived shortly and assisted her into a maroon-colored lace gown, then she braided the front of Beatrice's hair into a crown and tied the rest up with diamond pins. Beatrice stared at her reflection in the looking glass and brushed through her fringe with her fingers, freeing some of the tangles.

"Beautiful, as always, Your Highness," said Jeanette, smiling fondly at her.

Beatrice grinned back at her. "Thank you."

They crossed the room together and walked out.

"Has Maribel returned yet?" inquired Beatrice. Her dear friend had left to see her cousin in a nearby town a few days before Beatrice came back. How infuriating. Beatrice had much to tell her.

"She will be back tomorrow," Jeanette promised. "I am certain she misses you terribly."

They rounded the corner when Beatrice noticed Samoa heading toward them, fury in her big blue eyes. Beatrice beamed at her, resisting the urge to groan instead.

"Samoa," she sang, meeting her halfway. "Oh, it has been so—" Her words got caught in her throat when Samoa pointed a finger in her face.

"It was you," Samoa growled.

Jeanette stepped in between them. "What is the meaning of this? Is this any way to speak to your princess?"

Samoa sneered at her. "If you have not noticed, Jeanette, I do not care. She ruined everything!" Then she attempted to push past Jeanette, except the older woman had more strength.

"Samoa!" Arabella's voice echoed off the walls.

Beatrice inclined her head, seeing her other ladies running over, their skirts bunched up in their fists. They halted beside Samoa, desperation deepening the creases between their eyebrows and leaving their mouths agape.

"Everything you said was a lie!" Samoa shouted at Beatrice. "You wanted Luc for yourself!"

Victoria gasped. "How could you say that?"

"It is absolutely not true," Arabella argued. "Princess Beatrice has no interest in Lord Wylie!"

"Except she does!" screamed Samoa, nearly piercing Beatrice's eardrums. "She was sneaking around with him! This entire time, she was with him!"

"I have had enough of this!" Jeanette shot back. "You are going to be escorted off castle grounds and you will not be welcomed back!"

Samoa finally managed to break out of Jeanette's grip, yet the white imprints remained longer. She flipped her dark locks over her shoulders and continued to snarl at Beatrice like a starving animal. 

"I don't need to be escorted. I will leave myself! And I do not care if I'm not welcomed back! Anything to ensure I never have to see your face ever again is fine by me!" She turned on her heel and stomped past Arabella and Victoria who stayed dumbfounded.

Beatrice took a few steps forward and smirked. "I never cared much for you, anyway, Samoa. Good riddance, I would say."

"Your Highness," Arabella squeaked.

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