Chapter Forty

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Ashton hadn't known what to expect of this celebration his friends had insisted on. He certainly didn't imagine walking into the barracks and being greeted by every squire shouting happy birthday at him. He gasped and jumped back, bumping into Richard who had—as he now realized—purposely brought him back here after racing each other in the fields with their horses.

Ashton whirled on him. Richard's eyes squinted from how hard he grinned. And Ashton returned the smile.

"I didn't do this alone," his friend admitted, nodding at someone behind Ashton.

Ashton turned back and gasped again when he spotted Mayra. She reached up and gently grabbed his face.

"No way was I gonna miss today," she said.

Ashton pulled her into his arms. "Thank you. This means so much to me." Then he released her, and her attention fell to his sword sheathed at his hip.

"That's new, ain't it?" she asked, glancing up at his face.

"Present from Father," Joseph's inebriated voice filled the corridor. Ashton saw him stumbling toward them from the dining hall, bumping into others on his way.

Mayra beamed. "Yer father got you yer own sword? Lemme see! Lemme see!"

Joseph paused beside her and slung his left arm around her shoulders. "Yes. Show us again, Ash!" He sounded unbelievably cheery. Ashton supposed he had the alcohol to thank for that.

The other squires joined in, drawing closer with eager faces. Ashton bit down on his tongue, ignoring how warm his ears and cheeks were becoming. He pulled the rapier out and they all gasped in awe, especially Mayra, who poked the flat side of the blade like that would make something happen. She then trailed her forefinger up to where his initials were.

"Oh, wow," she breathed. "That's nice. That's real nice, Ash. Yer pa really loves ya."

Ashton felt a small tug in his chest, and he swallowed hard. "I... I suppose." He sheathed the sword back in place and avoided everyone's stare until Joseph obnoxiously cleared his throat.

All eyes fell on him next.

Joseph looked around, his brows furrowing. "What're we doing? Standing around and wasting time? Let's have fun! We have this mansion to ourselves tonight! The knights are at their ball and Her Majesty isn't home! We can take over!" He threw his right fist into the air. 

A few squires joined in his triumph.

Ashton shook his head. "There are still guards on patrol. And did you forget King Reginald is still here?"

Joseph snorted. "What's King Clueless gonna do?"

Mayra shielded her mouth as she giggled. Joseph then took hold of Ashton's wrist and started dragging him toward the parlor. Ashton glanced back at Mayra, urging her to follow him (and possibly save him from Joseph). However, Richard leaned in closer to her and whispered something into her ear. She smiled up at him and nodded. They stepped outside together. Ashton figured Richard wanted to tell her about his departure and—hopefully—confess his feelings to her. He rooted much for the latter.

The squires lounged around the wide room. Some sat at the round table on the other side and passed around a brown glass bottle. Joseph pulled him over to this table and sat him down at the empty chair. He stayed standing and plucked the bottle before it could be passed to Ashton.

Ashton threw up his hands. "Oh, that's fine. I didn't want any of it."

Joseph took a swig and placed it front of Ashton. Ashton merely passed it onward and stood from the white wooden chair. Joseph questioned what he was doing, but Ashton was more interested in Richard and Mayra who were entering the parlor. Mayra gave Richard a sad smile before disappearing behind a crowd. Richard seemed to take a deep breath and surprisingly beamed upon spotting them. Ashton met him halfway.

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