Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Beatrice snapped her fingers, earning the nearest maid's attention. She pointed to her empty teacup and demanded a refill. The maid nearly tripped over her own feet trying to get to the table.

Maribel sat across from her at the round garden table, her fingers twiddling with the frilly skirts of one of Beatrice's blue gowns. "Are you certain it's alright for me to borrow your dress, Your Highness?"

"Of course!" Beatrice cheerily responded. "That color is perfect on you, Mar. It's honestly a shame you do not have beautiful gowns of your own." She thanked the maid and waved her away before picking up the cup. "Oh! That's it! When I am queen, I am going to give you and your mother titles. No longer will you be known as the handmaiden and the handmaiden's daughter. No, you deserve far better than that."

Maribel gasped. "Your Highness, you cannot be serious!"

Beatrice took a sip of her tea and beamed at her friend. She then set the cup down and lifted her left foot onto a nearby boulder. In her peripheral, she noticed a group of squires staring at her, evidently forgetting about their archery lesson. She moved her hair over her shoulders and smirked over at them.

"I am serious, Mar," she spoke again, sliding her eyes forward. "I can do anything once I have that crown on my head. Actually, I do not want my mother's crown. I do not care if it has been in the family for centuries. It is hideous." She shuddered. "No. I deserve something new and gorgeous."

Maribel gasped. "With pearls!"

Beatrice clapped her hands together. "Precisely!" However, her excitement dwindled when she heard voices and footsteps approaching from her right. She turned her head and scowled at the sight of her mother. It was as if she knew Beatrice had been talking about her.

Her mother paused beside the table and horrifically gasped at Beatrice. "Sit up straight, young lady! You are exposing your bare leg to those soldiers."

Beatrice glanced down. Indeed, her silk skirts had risen with the position of her leg. She smirked at the squires again who were flushed, waving, and bowing to her.

"My mistake," she said sweetly, lowering her leg and shifting in her seat.

Her mother's upper lip curled. "Your collar is also too low."

Beatrice sighed. "It is too warm for anything else." Besides, she hardly looked scandalous with how small her chest was. She glared up at her mother. "Was there a point in you coming here? Or do you merely find pleasure in bothering me?"

Her mother squinted back at her. "You may think you are winning here, Beatrice, but believe me, you are not. And to answer your question, there is a point to me coming here. I wanted to inform you that I am departing for a trip to Elisium. Our people living there have been asking to see me. I must accommodate."

"How admirable of you, Mother. Is Father joining you?"

"No. He did not want to leave you here alone."

Beatrice touched her chest and smiled at Maribel. "Did you hear that, Mar? My father always thinks of me before making any decisions. I adore him so."

"I will be leaving with Sir Allister and Lady Morgana within the hour," her mother added, as if Beatrice cared. She started to turn away but paused abruptly and peered back at Beatrice. "Do try not to harass Sir Allister's son. Ashton is a good man who does not need to be corrupted by you."

Beatrice grinned deviously at her. "Do not give me any ideas, Mother."

A few gasps emitted from her mother's retinue. Her mother, however, gave no reaction and simply walked away.

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