Chapter Thirty-Two

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Ashton had various mixed feelings about leaving Salus, but every one of those concerns vanished the moment he entered the barracks and was greeted by a delighted Dasher. The spaniel barked his head off and excitedly wagged his tail, whacking the wall.

Ashton chuckled and kneeled in front of him. "When did you officially move in?"

Dasher pounced into his lap and stuck out his tongue as he panted. Ashton praised him and ran his fingers through his coarse fur when he heard someone clearing their throat. Looking up, he saw Lucinda leaning against the doorway of the dining hall. He immediately stood and grinned at her.

"Well, look who's back," she said. Then, over her shoulder, she sang, "Whitman, your sweetheart has returned!"

Ashton snickered and rolled his eyes. He went ahead up to his room, which was currently empty, and tossed his things onto his bed. Just as he decided to fall onto it, Richard and Joseph rushed inside.

"Do my eyes deceive me?" Richard jested.

Ashton whirled around and beamed at him. "No. I'm back!"

Richard laughed and hurried over to him, embracing him tightly. Ashton patted his back and smiled wider. He then glanced at Joseph, who remained by the door with Dasher behind him. Richard released Ashton and moved aside. Ashton waited there, half-expecting Joseph to come over and hug him next.

Instead, Joseph nodded at him and said, "You look like you need a bath."

Ashton sighed. "Lovely to see you, too, Joseph." You never change.

Joseph walked further into the room and snatched a long piece of twine off the desk. "So, how was it?" he asked, tying his hair back.

"Is Mayra feeling alright?" inquired Richard, concern flashing across his features.

"Yes," Ashton answered. "She is great! In fact, her mother is getting better."

"She is?" Richard exhaled in relief. "Oh, that's good. That's very good!"

Ashton grinned again and began to unpack his belongings.

"I wish I could stay to help you," said Richard, backing away, "but I have to get back to my knight. We're going out riding today. Maybe you and Lucinda can join in afterwards?"

"I'm a bit too tired for riding today, but we can talk tonight at supper," Ashton assured him.

"That's fine with me." Richard smiled at him, then slapped a hand on Joseph's left shoulder and told him to behave.

Joseph shrugged it off and scoffed. "I always do."

Richard threw his head back, laughing as he exited the room. Dasher happily went with him. Joseph inched closer to Ashton and plucked his journal out of his hand.

Ashton whirled on him. "Give that back to me." He reached for it, except Joseph dodged him and hurried to the other side of the room.

"Hold on," he said, opening it. "I want to see what you learned on this little trip."

"It's nothing for you to see." Ashton chased after him.

Joseph kept turning and holding the book up higher, then lower, depending on where Ashton advanced.

"Have I ever mentioned that your detailing is impeccable?" Joseph smirked at him over his shoulder—that charming smile he used on women who could not care less about him.

Ashton groaned. "Joseph."

Joseph flipped rapidly through the pages, snickering while Ashton grimaced. When Joseph reached the most recent ones, Ashton had to turn away and clench his teeth.

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