A little bit better

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•Okay so before I start I wanted to thank all of you so much because i am almost at 1,000 views! Omg thanks you all so much! Love you lots<3 •

Grayson's POV:

I finished up with vidcon and quickly called J. After 3 times of calling her and leaving her messages i got nothing. At first I thought she might be taking a shower but then I remembered her old friends were coming. I walked over to where shawn Mendes was stationed and only carter and some other girl were there. "Hey um do you guys know Janessa Mendes?" I asked. They looked at me and then the girl said "Of course but why?". "I am her boyfriend and I was wondering where she went" i replied. "Ohh.... uhh they....uhh went...well" Carter replies. I raise my eyebrow and he looks at the floor. "How about you come with us and we will explain what happened" the girl says. "Not to be rude but i barley know you guys" i say. "Oh well i am mahogany and this is carter and trust me your going to want to know whats going on". Mahogany says pulling my arm. What if Janessa cheated on me. No she couldn't have.

"So what happened" i finally manage to say. She looks at me weird and then opens her mouth. "Janessa was greeting all of us and then she noticed Brandon was gone. My heart stops. "Where are they then?" I croak out. "Thats what i need your help with she says a she hands me her phone". I have hayes find my iPhone and i need you to tell me where to go." She says. "Ok" i whisper.

After an hour of being in the car we finally get to where the phone says they are. I get out and notice were at an abandoned motel. "Come on" i say to mahogany. "I will stay here thankyou very much" she says. I roll my eyes and keep walking. I hear a scream come from the back and I run toward it. "No please let me go!!" I hear a familiar voice cry. I get to the back and see a guy trying to pick up Janessa. "Help!" I hear her cry again. I look around and see shawn laying on the floor. I grab a shovel from the floor and run behind the man. I lift it up high and swing at him as hard as I can. Seconds later the man stops and tumbles to the ground along with Janessa. "Jani!!!" I cry and pick her up. I see her head bleeding slightly so i rush her to mahogany. Once she sees us her hand covers her mouth. "Take her to the hospital now!!" I yell. "What about you?" She yells back. "I am going to help shawn!" I say as i put Janessa in the back. "Hurry!!" I say and run back to shawn. I feel his heart and it is still beating. I look around and see a car. I pick him up try to put him in the back. Then i notice Brandon and another guy laying there. Tears start streaming down my face. Not brandon. I lay shawn in the passengers seat and search for keys. Once i find them i start the car a head for the hospital.

Shawns POV:

I force my eyes open and look around. Just what I thought I would end up in. I tried to get up but then a sharp pain took over my leg. I pressed the assistant button and waited for help. "How may I help you" a man says as he walks into my room. "I uhh can't get up cause my leg hurts when I try" i respond. "Oh yes don't try that again because you have a broken bone in your thigh and we will get it situated in an hour." He says. "Oh ok thanks" i say and he leaves.
A little later a guy walks in. "Um who are you?" I ask. "My name is Grayson Dolen and I am your sisters boyfriend" he replys. Boyfriend!! She never told me this."oh i never knew, well i am h..." "Her brother I know" he says nervously. I nod. "Well do you know where Janessa is?" I ask. "She is....in surgery" he manages to say before a tear drops down his cheek. This is all my fault! I couldn't help her. Wait hayes! "Wheres hayes!" I yell. "Oh he is uhh.... Recuperating like you" Grayson tells me. I sigh in relif and feel like I am about to cry. "Can I see her?" I croak. "I wish i could too" he replys. I start to cry and Grayson leaves to give me space. Why is this happening. Why her!?

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