Summer was a blast but new problems re grow till we have to say goodbye.

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Janessa's POV:

"Ughh there is school in 2 weeks" i say. "Yea..." Taylor says with a worried look. "Whats wrong?" I ask. "Well... i am going to be going to a school in LA for acting" he says really fast. "Oh..." I say. I am about to say something when Shawn yells "Janessa guess who is here!!?!!" I jump up and run downstairs. I jump into my dads arms. "I missed you so much!" I say kissing his cheek. "You to pumpkin". I laugh and get down. Someone comes through the door and I see my mom. "Mom!" I scream. I give her a huge hug and help her with the stuff.


"So the house looks clean" my mom says when we finish unpacking her stuff. "Yea mahogany and I cleaned it up a few days ago" i say with a smile. "Well how about I go meet all your new friends" she says. I nod and we go to the basement where everyone is. "Hey dudes and dudets.....this is my mom!" I yell. They all get up and introduce themselves since they have been staying here basically the whole summer. "We should have a picnic for dinner!" Nash yells. I nod. I look behind him an see hayes. This is going to be an awkward picnic. I walk over to taylor and smile. He links his arm in mine and we walk up with everyone else. "So what have you kids been up to?" My dad asks as he grills some wings and burgers. We all look at each other. "Just you know having fun" Carter spits out. How smooth. My parens laugh and nod. "Lets go swimming!" Lindsay screams. I laugh. I feel two hands pick me up and start to carry me toward the pool. I turn around and see hayes. "Hayes put me down!!" I yell. "Sorry babe" he says with a grin. The next thing i feel is the wind before i fall into the pool. Good thing i left my phone in my room. I throw my sandals out and swim around. The water feels so good that i could care less that i have clothes on. Everyone looks at me weird and I laugh. "Just jump in" i say. "You herd her! Jump!" jack g says and jumps in. Everyone else follows and were all swimming around with our clothes. "I know what will make this better" my mom says and starts spilling something in the pool. "BUBBLES!!" Matt says and we all laugh. "Hey beauty" i hear someone say. I turn around and see hayes. "Hi" i say and smile. He pulls me close. "Remember last time we were in a pool together" he says pulling me under. "Yea and it wont happen again" i say and push him off. "Were friends" i say and swim to taylor. He grabs my hand pulls me to the chair thing in the pool. I sit on his lap and rest my head on his chest. I grab some bubbles and make myself look like santa. "Merry christmas" i say. Taylor laugh and wipes it off. He presses his lips to mine and rubs my cheek with his thumb. I pull away and smile. "Im going to miss you" i say. "Me too jani" he says and kisses me again. "You did not just kiss my sister!" Shawn yells. Shit i forgot. "Shawn calm down" i say. "Calm down! I told you no boyfriend after what happened!!" He screams and comes over. Everyone looks at us. He slaps taylor and says "do not touch her". I roll my eyes and look at mom. She nods and get up. "Shawn you have to understand that you can't tell Janessa what to do because she is old enough to make her own decisions." My mom says. "Oh so i am going to let her be a slut and date all my friends" he says. I start to tear up. Shawn had never said anything so mean to me. "Shawn Mendes!" My mom gasps. I start to cry and i run to my room. I quickly dry off and flop on to my bed. "Janessa?" I hear someone say. I look up and see hayes again. "Hi I say as i wipe my tears. "Please don't cry" he says and sits next to me. He cuddles with me and I sob into his chest. "Shawn has never been so mean to me! He never called me anything mean!" I yell. "Calm down" hayes says and stokes my hair. I take a deep breath and look at him. "️Thankyou" i say. He smiles. He looks so cute. The next thing i know my lips are on his. All my negative thoughts and sadness goes away. I kiss back not wanting it to end. It feels like the whole world is filled with happiness. I smile between the kiss. We keep going until i hear "Janessa!". I pull away and look up. "Taylor it isnt what it looks like." I say getting up. "No it is and you are a slut like your brother was saying" he says and walk away. "Taylor please" i cry. "Get away from me!" He says. I run back to my room and fall to the ground. "Hayes why!" I yell. "Im so sorry this is my fault" he says. I wipe my tears and look at him. "No i kissed you, you did nothing wrong" i stutter. He frowns and gives me a hug. Everyone but hayes probably hates me now. I have to leave this place. I run to my parents and tell them i will be gone for a little but i will come back. They didn't let me go at first but then i said i would go with aunt Rose. They finally agreed after pleading. I pack my stuff and head out to the airport. I will be living in florida for a while now. I know this is what is right for me and everyone else.

- Sorry for the short chapeterrr. I am going to try and update more often now. Do you think i should do a sequel once i finish this book? Idk but it will be over in like 2 chapters. Well hope you enjoyed! Peace✌️ -

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