Ch. 9: Food Fights & Frightening Sights

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All was peaceful in the Beacon Academy cafeteria. Well, as calm as it could be, given that Teams RWBY, HAVC, and JNPR were all sitting together.

Blake was looking over some notes she had with her when Yang slid up beside her.

Yang: Whatcha doing?

Blake: Nothing. (closes her book) Just going over notes from last semester.

Yang caught a grape in her mouth before responding.

Yang: Lame.

Nora giggled as she continued to toss grapes at Yang, using her spoon like a catapult. Yang caught the fruit with ease, giving Nora a double thumbs-up.

Suddenly, Ruby appeared at the end of the table. Giving an enormous heave, she slammed an absurdly large binder onto the table, catching everyone off guard. On the cover of the binder was written "Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee". However, this had been hastily crossed out with a red marker pen, and with the same pen, a new title, "Best Day Ever Activities," had been written underneath.

Ruby: (clearing her throat) Sister... friends... boyfriend... Weiss.

Weiss: Hey!

Heath: (chuckling) You really like announcing to the whole world that we're dating, don't you, Rubes?

Ruby: (popping up beside Heath) Yep! (giving Heath a kiss on the cheek)

Yang: (with a mischievous grin) Oh? Does that mean you already told Dad that you two are dating, Ruby?

Ruby: (flustered) Well... I haven't... Umm... I mean... Ugh! You're the *worst*, Yang!

Chris and Anthony got quite a hearty laugh from the sisters' antics while Victor only lightly chuckled.

Heath: (putting one arm around Ruby) Go ahead and laugh it up, assholes. You're just jealous because I have a super amazing and awesome girlfriend while you three are still single!

Heath's declaration caused Ruby to become so embarrassed that her face almost appeared glowing. It did not help poor Ruby when Heath gave her a quick kiss after he finished speaking.

Chris: (snickering) Well, Heath, it looks like you might have been a bit too bold for poor little Ruby to handle.

Not understanding what Chris meant, Heath turned to look at Ruby. She was standing, stiff as a board, red as a tomato, with steam coming out of her ears.

Heath: (shaking Ruby vigorously) Aaah! Ruby! Are you okay?!?!

At this point, almost everyone was giggling at Heath and Ruby's display. The exceptions to this were Chris and Anthony, who were laughing like a couple of hyenas.

Anthony: (through laughter) Haha! It looks like Ruby.exe has officially stopped responding! Hahaha!

After another full minute of laughter from the group, Heath managed to successfully shake Ruby out of her trance-like state.

Heath: Alright, now that we have that mess sorted out, what's up with the binder, Rubes?

Ruby: Oh, that's right! I almost forgot! (clearing her throat) Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Yang: This oughta be good. (catching another berry in her mouth.)

Ruby: A dream that one day, all of us will come together, and have the most fun anyone has ever had... ever!

Weiss: Did you steal my binder?

Ruby: (making "peace" signs with both hands.) I am not a crook.

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