Prologue pt. 4: The Calculative Mind

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A famous general once said, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

It was a beautiful day throughout the kingdom of Vale. The birds were chirping. The sky was clear with only a few clouds scattered throughout. The entire scene gave off a sense of peace and serenity.


This peaceful scene was not mirrored everywhere else.

Several miles out from the coastline of Vale, an airship has recently been the site of conflict. This particular bullhead had originally been hijacked by bandits from Mistral. Little did the bandits know that they had company aboard their stolen airship.

Their unwanted company, a group of three young men—two seventeen year olds and one sixteen year old. The youngest of the three boys had raven black hair and eyes as red as rubies. He was dressed in a type of firefighter's attire, but without shoes. The first of the older boys had messy, dirty-blonde hair and green eyes. He wore a pair of dark-brown slacks, metallic grey combat boots, a white button-up collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a navy blue trench coat with gold accents. The third young man in the group had spiky dark-brown hair and golden eyes. He was dressed in dark-brown slacks, a leather belt, a black button-up shirt with the collar turned up, and a dark-brown overcoat with white fleece around the collar. He also carried a small pack a cigarettes and a lighter with him in his hands.

But, these are not your ordinary teenage boys. Oh no, they are far from average. All three young men are huntsmen in training. Each one is armed to the teeth and incredibly skilled with and without their weapons.

So, imagine the level of irritation this group of young men felt upon realizing that they had accidentally wound up on a hijacked airship.

Green-eyed boy: Ok, what in the rooti-tutti, fresh and fruity Fuck is going on here!?

Golden-eyed boy: Well Anthony, it looks like we've been aboard a hijacked airship since we left Mistral.

Anthony: And how the blue hell did none of us figure this out before now, Chris!? Heath! Wasn't it your job to find the right airship to board while we were at the airship docks?

With an irritated look, the green-eyed teen, now known as Anthony, turned away from his twin brother, Chris, to face his red-eyed younger brother, Heath.

Heath: Ummmmm...Maybe?

Chris: Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. We might as well make the most of our situation. Besides, look on the bright side, Anthony. If we take down these bums, we get a new airship!

Anthony: I guess you're right bro. Let's do this shit!

Heath: I can't fight them! I've got souvenirs!

Anthony: Ugh...fine, Heath. I guess Chris and I will take care of these morons. So Chris, you're the master strategist. What's our plan here?

Chris: I'm so glad you asked, Anthony. It's pretty simple really. I'd say there are roughly twenty bandits on this airship, give or take a few. With that in mind, I was thinking we use the old, "divide and conquer" method. You take on ten, and I'll take the other ten. And just to make this somewhat of a challenge, how about we agree to only use hand-to-hand combat? Sound good?

Anthony: Sounds like a plan to me, bro. Besides, we wouldn't want to use our weapons on the airship and risk damaging something important, would we? Now, let's get this party started!

With their plan made and agreed upon, the twin brothers set to work clearing out bandits from the airship. Throughout there battle, the twin brothers looked like the Yin and Yang of fighting techniques.

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