Part 20

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Inna texted me that Cecilie had just left. I had told her before she left that I would pick her up so she wouldn't have to walk home alone, but apparently she had insisted to walk by herself. 

This girl... I thought to myself.
I walked towards the door so I could start walking and meet her half way.
In the second I opened the door I heard a scream that was way too familiar.

I ran outside and started to run towards Jake and Inna's house. I saw Jake was outside too - his panicked eyes met mine from far away. We both looked around for a couple of seconds but couldn't see her anywhere.

But then we heard it again from behind Ashley's house.
I then got confused when he also walked out of his house... which means it wasn't him... 

The three of us all ran to Ashley's backyard and Ashley was the first to get there. 
I saw Ashley knock out the guy that was hovering above Cecilie. She then collapsed to the ground and I could tell in the dim light that her shirt had been torn and her bra was also ruined. she was trying to cover herself up. I then noticed that her pants had also been ripped.

I knew exactly what had happened

Cecilie's POV


I was half walking half running towards CC's door. I could feel eyes on me, but thought it was just my mind. Until i looked behind me and saw the silhouette of a tall, slim person behind me.I started walking faster and thought about turning the drive way and going to Ashley's house, and when I did that the dark figure behind me yanked me to the ground by my hair. I screamed at the top of my lungs and saw the light in Ashley's house turn on. The guy pulled me over behind the house.

"Listen up you little skank, you're gonna stay quit or I will kill you" He hissed at me. I just closed my eyes praying that the guys would come for me.

The guy started groping me and I tried to push him off. that's when he punched me in the gut and ripped my shirt - then he tried to pull off my bra, and he managed to pull it aside. I screamed "No, please don't!" He laughed and me, and pulled hard to get my pants off. I tried to keep my body tense and prayed he would just give up on trying to get my pants off, but it seemed that the button and zipper had been ripped open. 
Then he pulled my pants hard and I could feel some of the seams giving in and breaking. 
And all of a sudden the guy was on the ground and Ashley was in front of me instead. I tried to cover myself up, still crying. 
Then I blacked out.

Trigger warning over


I carried her into Ashley's house because it was closest and we laid her on his bed and she whimpered. I didn't wanna touch her clothes in case it would cross any lines. I just covered her body up with a blanket and sat down beside her. She started waking up after a couple of minutes and she was sobbing.

I stroked her hair "We're in Ashley's house." I told her. She didn't seem to react to my words. Only flinched when i touched her hair.  So I stopped that pretty quickly.

After a couple of hours of her just crying with me on the bed beside her and Jake and Ashley in the doorway she said her first words since the incident "Where's Inna?" Jake pulled out his phone immediately and called Inna. She was there within a minute and when she walked in the room I walked to stand with Ashley and Jake.

Cecilie sat up and cried into Inna's arms. 
"Do you wanna press charges?" Inna asked. Cecilie shook her head.

"He didn't actually.. he just.." And then she choked up and sobbed again for an hour. Inna was caressing her back and finally when it was nearing the morning Cecilie finally fell asleep in Inna's arms. None of the rest of us slept that night... except for Andy and Jinxx who didn't know of course. I called both of them in the morning and explained to them what had happened. They were both very shocked and felt so bad for her. 

I spent the entire day in a chair in Ashley's room and Inna spent it in the bed by Cecilie's side. Ashley was pacing the house but not getting anything done. Jake had gone home to take care of their dog, Ernie.

When Cecilie finally woke up nearing the end of the day she seemed to be feeling a bit better. At least she wasn't crying anymore. 

"Do you wanna go home?" I asked her gently sitting down at her bedside.
She just nodded.

I reached out a hand to help her stand up and she took it.
When she stood up she hugged me. After hugging me she walked to Ashley who was now standing in the doorway.

"Thank you Ash.." She looked up at him weakly. She smiled at her gently "No need to thank me... It was what had to be done" 

Inna sat on the side of the bed "How are you feeling?" She asked Cecilie.
"I feel better... I guess I was just really panicked yesterday because that was a really close call... and Ugh.. I can't talk about it.. sorry" She said and she started shaking. Inna stood up and hugged her until she had stopped shaking. 
I went home and got a change of clothes. I could hear her crying in the bathroom when she was changing the clothes. 
"Do you need help in there?" Inna asked.

"yea... actually" she said "I can't really lift my left arm..." I got a short look at her through the gap in the door when Inna walked in and she had bruises all over and her arm could be broken, looking at the nearly black colour it had. 

Her crying continued and after she had gotten dressed and come back out Inna said "We're gonna go the ER to have a look at that arm.. we'll just tell the staff there, that she was in a fight, she doesn't want them to know.

I nodded. Inna, Cecilie and I drove to the Er while Ashley stayed behind. And sure enough her arm was broken She got a cast and we went home. 

I was very careful when touching her. I could tell she was traumatised by the incident.

She would spend most of her time the following couple of days with Inna and she would barely eat. She wrote in her journal a lot. After 4 days I decided I had to confront her.

"You have to eat..." I said to her. "okay, let me just shower first and I'll come eat a sandwich?" She said.

"You already showered twice today.." I said She frowned "Are you sure you don't need to talk to anyone about this" She shook her head, but I couldn't take it anymore... seeing her like this. 
"I'm making you an appointment tomorrow, you are stuck and you're just spiralling deeper and deeper into yourself. 

She nodded and broke down "you're right CC, I don't know how to handle this, but I sure as hell know, that having to tell some stranger that a guy with a knife ripped my clothes off and broke my fucking arm in the process, when he tried to rape me, but he didn't succeed cause three... THREEEEE" she screamed then looked shocked at what had just come out of her mouth, then she continued "Three of the closest people to me found me like that and saw me in that situation... no, that's fucking humiliating, and it's all my fault for walking home alone.. I should've called you instead, but no... I was stubborn and now I'm sitting here trembling at anyones touch..."

Her breathing had sped up quite a bit and when she stopped talking it got even faster and she curled up on the bed.

I walked to her side without touching her "hey, hey, it's okay, This is good, you're talking about it... and it will never be your fault.. unfortunately we live in a world with a boys will be boys mentally, but that's not okay... It can't ever be your fault that a guy decided to do this to you, okay?"

She leaned on my shoulder now sobbing. I put an arm around her and she flinched I was about to pull it away when she grabbed it and held it there. 

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