Part 15

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Cecilie's POV

We finally arrived at the venue in Sweden and got settled in our rooms. I was sharing a room with CC again. 
Today had not been a good day... I had hurt myself and all hell broke loose.

Luckily CC and I had our own blankets at this venue so I didn't have to be that close to him. 
I was afraid he'd look at or touch my arm.

I really didn't feel like being alone with CC because I knew he was gonna want to talk, which I felt was super embarassing.

"Hey um... do you wanna go to Jinxx and and Andy's room?" I asked him. He looked hurt "why?" he asked me. I just shrugged "I'll just go alone I guess" I said and walked out the door. 

Andy was the one who opened it and he looked quite shocked to say the least. "Hey.." I said shyly and walked into their room.

Andy's POV

Cecilie walked in and I was quite confused, and it looked like Jinxx was as well. I looked at her and  asked her "are you okay?" her smile faded and she looked pained for a moment. Her expression then changed to extremely annoyed. "I came here to avoid questions..." 
She started to turn around to walk out the door.
"No wait, I'm sorry" I said and grabbed her shoulder. She walked over to sit by Jinxx.

He looked at her "You really have to promise you won't harm yourself again..." She looked hurt and walked out the door. None of us had the heart to stop her this time. 
After 5 minutes of Jinxx and I talking about the situation CC came in. When he had looked around the room he looked panicked. "where is she?!" he asked. 
"I thought she went back to your room" I half asked.
"She must've gone to Jake and Ash's room... we have to go there, Ashley won't handle this well, you know how he feels about this..." 

Cecilie's POV

I walked into Ashley and Jakes room and Jake walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back as he probably needed it, but I quickly pulled away as I did not enjoy physical contact. 
Ashley walked out of the bathrrom shirtless with wet hair. Ashley then walked to the door where Jake and me were standing and he leaned against it. "You know... what you did yesterday was really selfish..." He looked at me. I didn't dare talk back to him so I just looked at my feet.
"You could've offed yourself and CC would be heartbroken... hell, we all would've been" 
I could tell the he was standing with his arms crossed looking down at me. 

Ashley suddenly felt very tall and scary. I started feeling my throat tighten and my breathing was getting laboured.
I started slowly walking backwards and Ashley was following.
"Ash, stop it, you're being too harsh, I think she has gotten the point" Jake said stepping between us.

Ash pushed Jake out of the way. "No... if she understood she would've said something" he said anger in the surface of his voice. He was silent for a minute "SAY SOMETHING" he shouted making me stumble backwards "Sorry..." He muttered and went to put a hand on my shoulder but I kept stumbling backwards, being very panicked. He sighed " You have to talk about things... you can't just bottle it up..." He sighed and I heard the door open.

In my panicked state I bolted around Ashley and tried to run out the door. When I had reached the door an arm grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into an embrace. I went into a full blown panick attack that didn't improve when Andy started shouting his deep voice rumbling like a volcano about to errupt.

"Ashley what are you thinking? Have you no consideration for her state?" I was whimpering not able to catch my breath hearing Andy's usually calming buttery voice errupting from his chest almost causing the walls to shake. CC lifted me up and carried me to our room sitting on the bed with me. I tried to break free several times. I was super embarassed to have caused all this trouble.

"I'm so sorry CC..." I cried burrying my face in his chest "it's ok.. It's not your fault, they should've just left it alone..." He was stroking my hair. I pulled away as it was all getting a little too much for me and I was feeling better. Eager to change the topic I said the first thing that came to my mind.
"In the music video to Wake Up you remind me of the Joker standing there in your cell" I grinned at him instantly seeing the picture in my mind, which sent chills down my spine.
He chuckled " I guess that makes sense, but what a random thing to say" He took my hand.
He took out his phone and put on the music video. I pointed at him standing with the card in his hand "see, there, you look so... mysterious" He raised an eyebrow at me "Is that a good thing?" I smirked at him "duh..." He pulled me to a stand and we danced to the song. 

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