Part 6

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I was drawing patterns in her palm but it was not her palm I was looking at. I was looking at all the bracelets she had. Some were BvB, some were other bands and some were just random. 

I asked her about the bracelets. She said she is not a collector but that she does have a lot. I knew why she was wearing them but I didn't want to ask her. I started fidgeting around with the bracelets for two reasons. one - I wanted to see them all. Two - I wanted to see how bad things were behind them.

She pulled her arm away as soon as she felt what I was doing I had gotten a small glimpse of her scars, but they didn't look fresh. She looked hurt and scared so I smiled to reassure her.
She smiled back weakly. 

After a while of drinking Inna and Jake went back to the bus. Jinxx, Andy and Ashley went to the bar.
Cecilie said that she doesn't like going to the bar. I also noticed she had only drank one beer.

"Do you mind if I stay here for the night?" I asked her she looked hesitant so I quickly added "I don't wanna walk in on Jake and Inna right now an if I come to the bus later I know I'm gonna walk in on Ash and some girl." She looked at the ground then up at me.

"Okay, but you're sleeping on the couch!" She said sternly looking me dead in the eye.
I could feel my face heating. We were still sitting on the edge of her bed just beside each other so when she looked me in the eyes like this she was close enough that I could just kiss her. It was very hard for me not to do it, but I decided it was too early, but we deffinetly had a moment right there.

I could tell she was holding her breath and so was I. She gave up before I did and looked down. "HA! I win the staring contest" I laughed trying to loosen the mood. She played with her hair while looking down, but I could tell that she was smiling. 

"I'm gonna find you some blankets and a pillow" she said walking to where the bed had been standing before. She had some bedrollers and in one of them there was a blanket and a pillow I could use. She threw it on the couch and then she laid on top of it.

"OMG I'm so tired" she exclaimed "It's been such a long and eventful day." She looked at the ceiling and smiled. She sighed  and burried herself deeper into the couch.
"You are aware that I'm the one who is gonna sleep on the couch, right?" I asked her grinning.

She looked up at me "Yea, I just.. it's just so comfortable CC, I don't think I can get up" I could feel my heart flutter when she said my name. I smiled and stood up.
She was following me with her eyes her smile fading more the closer I got. I sat on the edge of sofa.

I took her left arm again, like I had done earlier and she tried to pull it back.
"It's okay, I know" I said to assure her that I understood. She nodded "Okay... but I'm still not comfortable with it, so can you please not...?" I could tell from her voice that she was sincere so I moved my hand from her arm and stroked her hair instead.

"But you still have to go to the bed" I smirked at her. She sighed "Can't you just take the bed?" She asked me. I chuckled and shook my head "No way... I'm not letting you sleep on the couch in your own apartment!" She pulled the blanket over her head and I pulled it off. We ended up in a huge playfight of me trying to lift her up. I succeeded and she stopped fighting me and clung to me for dear life - like she was afraid I would drop her.

I carefully put her on the bed and when she tried to get off the bed and back to the couch I pinned her down with her hands above her head and I was standing with one foot on the ground and a knee on the bed. She suddenly looked like she was in shock and I immediately let go of her. She calmed down right away I laid down beside her and we spoke throughout most of the night. when the clock was showing 5 AM We agreed it was time to sleep. We ended up both sleeping on the bed with our clothes on since we were both way too tired to move.

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