Part 2

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Time passed quickly with school and daydreaming.

I had just gone to bed and tomorrow was gonna be the day of the concert. When I finally drifted off to sleep I was dreaming about the concert all night. And almost like it was a second later I opened up my eyes and the clock read 9.00 AM 

12 hours till the concert would start. I picked up my phone and saw that CC had messaged me again. I was anxious to open the message. It was a pleasant surprise though. 

"tonight is gonna be awesome! can't wait" he said.

I smiled to myself. Why would he message me? did he actually feel like I wasn't a burden?

I looked at my phone for a while wondering what to text back. I ended up writing

"So excited! Can't wait to see you guys!"

I put away my phone and rolled out of bed. I ate a banana for breakfast - I wasn't really a breakfast person. I just didn't feel hunger in the morning and eating too much made me nauseous. 

After eating breakfast I checked my schedule for homework. I had a report to write for biology. We were working with neruo-science at the moment. I knew a lot about this topic, so it was done after an hour. It was almost 1 PM now. Only 8 hours till the concert started. I got dressed in the clothes i had decided on and did my makeup. I spent a lot of time getting my makeup to look perfect.

I straightened my hair and charged my phone before leaving the apartment at 4 pm. I walked to the bus that would take me to the city, the concert was in. The walk took me 40 minutes and the busride was 2 hours. 

The walk to the venue took 20 minutes, so when i got there it was already 7 PM. I had grabbed some dinner at a mcdonald's  on the way there, as I had not had any lunch. 

I walked to the line which was already quite long and sat down behind the other people waiting to see the very same people I adored.

*pling* my phone said.

For some reason I already expected it to be a message from CC.

"are you in line yet? I can tell that a lot of people are outside already"

I smiled at my phone... I bet he was talking to other fans right now. I looked around to see if anyone else close to me were talking to him.... no one was

"yea, I just got here... the line is sooooo long"

He started typing and another message rolled in.

"must suck to have to wait for so long... all alone.. I'm sorry I can't come outside to get you"

he started typing again but stopped

"yea... I'll be okay though" i messaged him. This time I didn't get any response.

An hour had passed and the doors were now opening I was almost at the back of the line so i knew I wasn't gonna be in the front. 

My chances of getting noticed by the 5 people, I adored most in this world were now even slimmer.

People were walking inside and running to the stage as soon as they had gotten in. I on the other hand was taking my time. After almost 30 minutes of waiting it was finally my time to go inside. 

I showed the guy at the door my ticket. He took up the walkie talkie.

"the girl is here" he said. My heart stopped. 

Another guy was now coming towards us and I was panicking a bit. Were they going to ban me from the show for tweeting my ticket?

"Hello miss, I understand that you've been talking to CC and you're gonna walk home alone?"

How did he know? I had not told anyone.. besides CC that is, but why would CC care? I nodded my head.

"follow me then" he said. I walked behind him. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but it seemed that I had forgotten how to talk. 

We walked for 5 minutes or so before we were in a narrow hallway. "The guys wanted to give you a ride home" he said.

I shook my head "n-no... that can't be right, are you messing with me?" He laughed. "No, I'm serious, you can watch the show from the side of the stage. He pointed down the hallway and I could see a curtain that must lead to the stage. "The guys will meet you after the show."

He walked away leaving me in the middle of the hallway leading to the side of the stage, where my favourite people would be in 20 minutes.

sing your song, Comagirl (finished)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum