Part 7

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Cecilie's POV

When I woke up at 11 AM CC was no longer in the bed with me like he had been when we finally decided to sleep. I got anxious that maybe they had left without saying goodbye and I started getting tears in my eyes.

Then I heard my toilet flush so I instantly sat up, ran my finger trough my hair and ran a finger under my eyes to remove the worst leftover makeup from yesterday. I didn't have a mirror so I couldn't check my looks - this made me super uncomfortable. CC walked out of the bathroom and looked at me sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Goodmorning" he grinned shyly. I smiled at the ground thinking about the amazing night we had had yesterday. I should've taken one of the million chances I got and kissed him... 

He walked over and sat beside me. "Did you sleep alright?" He asked my smiling calmly. His voice was kinda raspy since it was morning and that was so sexy. I just nodded and had to stop myself from biting my lip. i laid back down on the bed my legs still hanging over the side.

"I'm still super tired though, aren't you?" I said looking up at the ceilling not daring to look him in the eyes.
He laid down just like I had done. "kinda... I'm used to not getting much sleep though." I could tell from the corner of my eye that he was looking at me. I turned my head to make eyecontact. As soon as I had turned my head he put a hand on my cheek and our lips connected. I had always heard people describing the best kisses with fireworks. I never believed them as I had never felt hat before but I did this time. It didn't turn into a full on makeout session, it was just some small kisses and then I pulled away because I got dizzy. CC smiled at me. He had the biggest grin on his face and it was adorable. I weakly smiled back and I drifted off to sleep again.


I kissed her... I had wanted to kiss her for hours but I finally got my shit together and did it. It was absolutely amazing, better than I had expected it to be. She was the one to pull away. She smiled at me then drifted off to sleep. 

I walked to the bus which was parked outside. Everyone was already awake. Andy raised his eyebrow when I walked in. I shook my head "We didn't" I could feel myself blush.
"You look really happy though" Jinxx laughed. I chuckled and pushed away the thought of what had just happened.

"She is still asleep. When are we leaving?" I asked looking over at Jake who was just sat in the corner on his phone.
"In 3 hours" Jinxx said. I nodded and walked to Jake. Inna wasn't here so something was wrong.
"Everything alright?" I asked him.

He turned off his phone and put it on the table.
"Inna had to go home to the dogs... Her mom is taking care of Trixie and it seems that Trixie is sick..." He looked down

"Aww man..." I said "It's gonna be okay though!" I smiled at him. I didn't want to be insensitive, but I had a hard time not seeming happy. Inna was in charge of merch sales and since she had to leave, we needed a new merch girl - I really hoped the others would be okay with asking Cecilie.

Just as I had finished that thought Andy cleared his throat. 
"We have to find a new merch girl... CC, Do you mind asking Cecilie?"
I immediately stood up "Yea, I'll go ask her right away!"

Cecilie's POV

I had started to wake up and when I heard the front door open my eyes shot open.
"It's just me" CC said. My heart started beating as I thought about what had happened.
"Inna had to go home - Trixie is sick." He said and my heart dropped. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Just knowing that Inna was close by gave me a lot of comfort. I sat up.

He kicked off his shoes and walked to the bed and sad beside me. He was sitting with his legs on the beds like in a lotus position. He had his hands on his knees. He just sat there for a while not saying anything.

Then he finally opened his mouth "Inna was our merch girl... so now we don't have any and we were wondering if maybe you would like to..." I nodded frantically not knowing what to say. I stood up. "I need to pack my things!" I said suddenly a bit stressed out.

CC stood up to and I couldn't help it.. I really wanted to hug him so I walked over hugging him. He was moving his hand up and down my back caressing it and it felt really nice. I pulled away after a while "Need help packing?" He asked.

"Yea... you can go pack all of my clothes - it's in the bedrollers" I said starting to walk to the bathroom so I could pack my makeup, toothbrush and feminine necessities. 

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